Chapter 6 - 'Well... We need to have a talk."

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I sat in Literature Class, pondering over what had just occurred. After my tearful escapade, Isaac had told me that his father beats him up. I wasn't surprised, to say the least. But I was glad he trusted me enough to tell me about it.

We missed two periods, but it was worth it.

Once the bell rang, I immediately screamed on the inside. It's finally over!

I noticed Erica Reyes walking a few ways in front of me. She was stopped in front of a trashbin by one of our classmates. She grabbed Erica's notebook and threw it in the trash before walking away laughing. A passerby threw a drink in the trashbin before Erica could get her notes and I knew for a fact that they were ruined even before she checked them.

Poor sweetheart looked like she was about to burst into tears.

"Hey." I called out as I walked towards her. "You okay?" She looked at me surprised before nodding.

"It happens all the time."

I frowned before holding out my notes. "Here. You can borrow these. Mrs. Lee let me copy from her notebook last week and I already finished." I winked at her jokingly. "Just ignore those crazy ass bitches. Besides, I'm betting the answers and questions to the next tests are there!"

She giggled. "Thanks." I wasn't able to reply, I was distracted by some kids trying to prank someone's locker with shaving cream.

Isaac's locker.

The ringleader of the group was upfront; the spray can was in his hands and seemingly incognito, he glanced around and his eyes made contact with mine. My eyes narrowed and he looked taken aback as his eyes widened before shrugging it off while smirking at me smugly and proceeding to spray the shaving cream.

On his face.

He started screaming whilst clutching his eyes; he had dropped the can, which nozzle had popped off, due to the force of it's fall and it started spilling on the floor. His friend, in his surprise, swung around too quikly, causing him to slip on the floor and bang his head on the locker door. His legs hit the feet of their other friend causing him to fall to the ground as well.

One was unconscious; the other one probably received a concussion while the last one was practically bawling his eyes out.

I barely noticed Erica touch my arm.

Do you know that moment when your laughing so hard nothing comes out and your standing there clapping like a retarded seal? That's what I was doing right now. Only mentally. Wait. Is that even possible?

But right now, I can't think about that because of Erica's sound; hers was like an electric shock. I don't know how that's supposed to sound but I sure as hell think this is how you're supposed to feel.

Trust me, it wasn't the good kind of electrical shock. There were no tingles, just shock and the urge to jump away. It was basically like that toy, it's called a shocker. Imagine that, just through your whole body.

I jumped and Erica removed her hand. Thank the Lord, Heaven and all the above.

"You okay?" She asked and I nodded before smiling weakly and excusing myself.

I immediately ran through my mental list of uncommonly used rooms and made a beeline for the closest one.

The Music Room.

Why am I in such a panic?! I didn't even do anything wrong!

I could literally hear my heart pounding in my chest. Plus, there was a ringing in my ears.

When I finally reached the Music Room, I locked the door behind me and took deep breaths trying to calm myself down but everything I looked at moved. Even the music sheets that were on the far side of the room scattered on the floor.

"May I help you?" An unfamiliar voice said from behind me and as I turned to face the mystery person, a table followed my movement and was flung in her direction.

Oh, crap.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the sound of impact but it never came. Looking up, I was surprised with the sight that greeted me. A pretty woman with chestnut brown hair framing her face was holding her hand up as the table was floating in midair. She turned to face me with a smile.

"You and I... Well, we need to have a talk."

Keeper (Teen Wolf/The Archived/Isaac Lahey) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now