Chapter 17 - 'Can you take me to the vet?'

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I can't take this anymore! I tried writing their spells and language in Sindarin and Quenya but it's so hard to find the proper translations!

So I'm going to mix in some latin for the spells.

Also a certain someone told me to update or else she'd stick her foot up my ass. And I really don't want a fott up my ass. Imagine the trouble of getting that out!

Thank you!


"Are you alright?" I asked Lydia and her eyes darted to me and back to the ground. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Because you're acting weird. You're shaking and tense. 'I just tapped your shoulder two seconds ago and you jumped away' kind of weird.

"It doesn't matter anyway." She told me before grabbing my keeper's key. "Why do you wear this everyday? It so old and stuff, like Allison's pendant. And please don't tell me it's an heirloom.. along with this ring. Why don't you just wear it on your finger?"

Because it's easier to forget when I don't see it in plain sight.

"Okay, fine. You got me there."


"He needs at least three betas." Scott, Stiles and I were already coming up with a plan to 'save' Boyd.

"Why don't we just let him?" Scott and I looked at Stiles with disbelief. I already knew what the hunters were capable of from Isaac and I didn't want to get Boyd involved with this.

"I mean Erica looks good. Really good." Okay, Stiles. Keep your teen fantasies to yourself.

"She won't look good with a wolfsbane bullet in her head!" Scott snapped. Whoa, is someone on their man period or what?

"What? I'm just putting it out there."

"Ew, Stiles. Why don't you just put it back in?" Stiles turned red.

"I didn't mean it like that!" He yelped.

What the bloody hell did I just say?

"Sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me."


3rd Person's POV

" You seriously put that potion in her coffee?" Wendy Silvaria was nearly peeing on the floor with laughter.

"It was an accident!" Roxy defended.

"Yeah, like a sane person would mistake a coffee mug for a glass vial! Haha!"


Alice's POV

"So what's the plan?"

"Actually..." Stiles replied.

"What? You're giving me that face that's telling me that you have to tell me something you don't want to tell me because someone wants you to."

Stiles looked at me confused. He blinked twice before going back to earth.

"I think my brain just left my body and levitated before it was thrown back to me because... that statement made no sense at all!" He snapped.

Okay, so the two of them are on their man periods. Great! They can be back friends!

"Whatever just answer the question before my ADD kicks in and I change the subject." I shook my head and my hair fell to my face. "Hey how does it feel to have no hair? I mean it must be really chilly right? Or is it itchy? Because I don't really-"

"Alice!" Scott grabbed my hand and pulled it away from messing with my hair.

"You can't come with us."

"What?" I asked rejected. "It's not that we don't like you it's just that-"

"We don't trust you. I mean, you haven't even told us what you are yet!" Stiles continued for him and I grit my teeth, gaze hardening before slapping the two of them at the sides of their heads.

"You act like a bitch. You get slapped like a bitch." I told them before skipping away.


"Luce igni." I closed my eyes and snapped my fingers as sparks of energy shot out from my fingers.

I hope this worked.

Soon after my little moment with the two idiots, I went back home to practice a few simple spells with Wendy.

Roxy was nowhere to be found.

Carefully, I opened my eyes and gasped in delight at the sight of the flames on the tree.

"I did it! Finally! I made fire!" I exclaimed. "You missed the wood." Wendy critiqued and handed me a hose. "Can you extinguish a fire? Because I think you started one."

I sighed before grabbing the hose and watering the tree until there was not a burning leaf in sight.

I stood there for a couple of minutes as I thought whether or not to check out the skating rink just in case...

I guess it wouldn't hurt anybody.


"Bloody hell." I stopped short as I saw Scott in a chokehold by none other than Derek Hale.

I'm really starting not to like this guy.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" I noticed Isaac and Erica at Derek's feet and Boyd on the shaver-thingy.

Derek let go of Scott and gathered his two minions, both sending me apologetic glances before heading off.

"You're right. I don't wanna be like them." Boyd lifted his shirt to reveal a huge bite mark. "I wanna be like you."

"You're gonna get hurt real bad." I told Boyd. "Just make sure you're gonna be ready for it." He tipped his head in acknowledgement and left.

I ran to Scotty nearly tripping in the process. "Are you alright?" I tried moving him but he yelped, as in like a dog. Joking.

"Nésto." I murmured as I placed my hands over his wound focusing on the healing energy in my hands. Before long I watched his wound close-up. He looked at me in shock. "What was that?"

"You just witnessed an exhibit of real witchcraft first hand. That's what." I rolled my eyes. Wasn't it obvious? "Can you stand?"

"Yeah." He began limping. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Well, I won't 'do' you but if it's anything else, sure. Even if I'm still mad at you for not trusting me." Sarcasm noted.

"I'm sorry. I thought-"

"What's the favor?" I asked, curious what he would ask for in a situation like this.

"Can you take me to the vet?"


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