Chapter 28 - 'All guys say that.'

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"What the hell, guys?" I asked, dumbfounded as I stared at the handcuffed Jackson at the back of the police truck.

"Isn't this a little extreme?"

"Yeah, guys." Jackson mocked. "Though let's rephrase a little to a lot."

"Watch it, luv." I glared at him. "You may not deserve something like this but I still don't like you."

Jackson rolled his eyes. And I, fed up with his attitude held up my hand.

"Ignis flamma." I said outloud and my hand caught on fire. It didn't hurt. The sensation was warm, but not hot. It was sorta tingly.

Jackson stared nervously at my hand.

"It'd be a shame if that beautiful face of yours burns."

"I hate to break it to you but fire burns." Stiles added, trying to helpful and I stuck my tongue out at him.

Jackson gulped and Scott shot me a warning a warning look. I pressed my lips together before putting it out.


"They know." Allison told Stiles..

"What?!" He shuffled for Jackson's phone in his two pockets and shoved it in our faces. "That's impossible! I've been texting his parents since last night!"

"You're doing an awful job at it then." I grabbed Jackson's phone and rolled my eyes.

"What kind of shallow asshole like Jackson says 'I love you'? What kind of prick like Jackson even informs his parents that his staying over at a friend's house?!"

"You do have a point." Allison nods and Stiles rests his head on the dashboard.

"Stiles, being adorable is already a curse. But being adorably stupid is chaos!"

I pressed call on the phone an dropped it.

"Let's go."

"Why?" Allison asked perplexed.

"I'm pretty sure that the pretty fortune that belongs in Jacksonville is enough for his parents to install a cheap tracking device on his phone."

"We're done for." Stiles says and I groan.

"Don't start."

"I'm gonna be sent to military school. We'll be suspended. The Whittmores are gonna sue us. And we'll be forced to think about how we messed up our lives and what we could've done before. Which would probably lead to suicidal thoughts-"

"Stiles!" Allison and I yell at the same time. "Shut your bloody mouth and drive!"


I am a coward.

A horrible horrible friend.

Jackson escaped and went straight to the cops and told them that he was kidnapped by Scott and Stiles.

He didn't mention me. It was either smart or really stupid because that means I don't have a restraining order on me and I'm the one who can throw fireballs.

Yes. Scott and Stiles now have a restraining order on them.

Though, I do think they're personalities are too adorable for that type of order.

On that subject, I didn't turn myself in even if it was the right thing to do.

I let Scott and Stiles take the blame.

True, I didn't really kidnap Jackson but I was in on it.

Everything's going as Jackson wants on his way to Jacksonville.

"I absolutely despise that arse..."

"There's nothing you can do about it." Tate told me before sitting on the edge of my bed, holding up a spell book. He knew about Jackson being the kanima but I haven't told any of the werewolves that I was currently living with.

And it was getting harder to keep it a secret from them.

I even started ignoring Isaac just for the hell of it.

He was really into being a wizard. While I just sat here like the lazy bitch I was.

"Found it!" He exclaimed.

"Found what?" I asked curiously.

He snapped the book shut. "Er- Nothing."

I narrowed my eyes.

"Seriously." He tucked it under his arm.

"I'm not gonna put it in there if it was something." He realized what he said and turned crimson.

"What an innuendo." I raised my eyebrow suggestively before letting out a bark of laughter.

"Just leave it."

I raised my hands in an I surrender motion. "Alright."

He groaned before leaving the room.


Isaac's POV

I was about to knock on Alice's door when Tate stepped out.

He looked at me and smiled with a glint of something other than welcoming.

"Hullo lad. Fancy a chat?"

I gulped before nodding nervously.

I think I know well enough that Tate here was the overprotective older brother type.

I'm glad they had made up but I sure as hell wouldn't know what to do if this guy started launching spells at me.

"Let's have a walk."

He clapped a hand on my shoulder. Hard. Even with my wolf instincts, I winced.

Now I see where Alice got her brutality from.


"You know, Alice has a birthmark on her thigh. It's the shape of an-"

"S with two slashes in the middle." I finished and Tate glared at me.

I have definitely said the wrong thing.

"Yeah. But do you know what it means?"

I shrugged.

"It's a witches symbol." He explained. "It states that she will have two heartaches in her life."

He glanced at me and I realized what he was talking about.

"I would never break her-!"

He raised a hand.

"I know. And I'm sure you're a good kid. But all guys say that. Whether they're a douche or not."

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