Chapter 11 - 'She really was like a little kid.'

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"Where am I?" I asked, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the light. For all I know, they could be kidnappers and that they were gonna smuggle me out of the country along with a few others to be slaves.

"At our house." I raised a brow at Roxanne's answer.

"You should be grateful, brat. I was the one that dragged your unconscious body out of the streets, into the car and here. In my house." Wendy murmured scornfully.

"Thank you." I replied and she looked taken aback.

Roxanne laughed. "Technically, Wendy. This house belongs to all of us."

"All..?" I asked confused and she smiled. "To the witches, of course! Every town has one. I'm just the one who takes care of this place." She informed and I nodded, my head still trying to wrap up the concept.

"How long...?"

"3 hours." She answered my unfinished question as Wendy skulked about in the corner.

"You can read minds?" Roxanne burt in laughter at that, Wendy even smiled a bit.

"No, darling. I'm a seer." She informed me. "It's only natural I'm one step ahead of you."

She winked. "I also know that there are no adults in your house at the moment so I thought maybe it'd be alright if I did this." She held up a large brown duffel bag and tossed it to me. My duffel bag.

I looked inside and found a few of my clothes and some underwear. I blushed, embarrased for whoever had to prepare this.

"Do you mind if you'd live with us for awhile?" She asked and clapped her hands cheerfully, like a kid who had just been given candy. "It will be so much fun!"

"Yes, it will!" Wendy smiled sarcastically. "NOT!"

Roxanne pouted, she was now a child who had been denied candy. "You're no fun."

I stood up and was suddenly hit with a wave of dizziness that I had to sit back down. "No offense, but I barely know you people and she," I gestured to Wendy who was now behind Roxanne, probably ready to wheel her away if I had another... energy outburst. "You're just one fucking ray of sunshine, aren't you?"

"I'm afraid we don't have a choice." Wendy was now the one to answer. "We can't just leave you, running around with no control of your power!"

Roxanne sighed, obviously irritated at Wendy's behaviour. "It's true, Alice. It's dangerous for you and the people around you. We cannot risk it. Do you want to hurt your friends?"

I shook my head and instantly regretted it as another wave of dizziness washed over.

Still, she did have a point. Even if I do feel like I'm experiencing a hangover times ten. I was aware of the fact that I could definitely hurt someone.

One person in particular.


"What if I said yes?" I asked them, Wendy was about to answer before Roxanne held up a hand and looked at her reprimandingly. "But Roxy-!"

Roxanne cut her off. "We will train you. Both physically, mentally and emotionally."

Okay, sounds good enough.

"What if I said no?"

"Then we'll let you go home. You will no longer be our concern. But don't run to us for help when the hunters come knocking at your door." My eyes widened at Wendy's words.


Oh, dear Lord of Heaven above, just what on earth have I gotten myself into?

I weighed my chances as I looked around me and I finally noticed my room. It was bigger than my old room and it was painted in favorite color: Light Blue. There were dark swirly designs in every corner, definitely giving off the 'I'm a witch' vibe.

Roxanne smiled as she noticed me checking it out like a pervert in a porn store.

"Like I said, I'm a seer."

"Wait. This room is for me?" She nodded. Call me selfish but... I'm a teenage girl! It's good to fantasize that everything was gonna be alright any now and then.

"I'm in."



That was all I could feel as Wendy beat me to a pulp with her bo staff. I had a bo staff of my own but it was a couple of meters away from where we were, abandoned on the ground.

I swear she's doing this only because she has a grudge against me.

After my little debate, Roxy(she told me I could call her that, much to Wendy's displeasure.) retired to her room while Wendy showed me around before dragging me to the training room.

It was huge. The walls could open and sets of weapons were located behind it.

She struck me again. When I couldn't take it anymore I screamed. "Okay! This is ridiculous! Why do we have to train with weapons if we can just use our powers?!" I stood up scrambling away from her and she narrowed her eyes at me, disgusted.

"There are times when you won't be able to use your powers. Magic comes with a price, all magic does. Werewolves, they can't control it and most of them are hunted down. Vampires are attracted to human blood and witches? Our magic is based on our stamina and energy. Once our energy is too low, our powers will immediately shut down. You'll be left defenseless and you'll be killed." She lectured.

"That won't happen if you know how to defend yourself."

I rolled my eyes. "Can't I at least choose which one to use?"

She smirked, as if telling me that I still wouldn't stand a chance against her before gesturing to the wall of weapons.

"Take your pick."My eyes immediately landed on my weapon of choice. Twin Sai daggers made of Black Metal at about 15 inches. It had imitation leather wrapped handles with foil twists. I tested it out, heavy but enough for me to spin around.


My dad had taught me how to use them when I was a child, I'd spin them around and my mother watched in horror believing I'd cut off my finger.

Those were the days.


I heard Wendy's approval in her voice as she saw my weapon. "Are you sure?"

I rolled my eyes before throwing at her, it lodged in the wall a few meters behind her before she smirked at me.


I shook my finger at her and heard her gasp when a few strands of her hair fell to the ground.

She gave me a challenging smile and readied herself in a stance.

"Okay, that's enough." Roxy's voice boomed from the entrance and she grinned as it echoed around.

She really was like a kid.

"We have guests."

Wendy and I looked at each other in confusion, the only thing we agreed about.


Keeper (Teen Wolf/The Archived/Isaac Lahey) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now