Chapter 15 - 'Women are your future.'

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I changed Roxy's character to Amy Adams. It suited her attitude more.


The Archive was the same as before. Nothing has changed since the last time I've been here. Stacks of papers at the front desk where Stella was continously scribbling on. Rows and rows or History shelves.

The only thing different was the fact that Regina was standing in front of me with a look that killed.

"You have been MIA for nearly a week, Ms. Graham." She scolded me. "You have your responsibilities as a keeper. Please, remember that. Your personal life should not affect your life as part of the Archive. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head, humiliated. I knew that I was too young to be a keeper but they didn't have to harass me so much about it.

She sighed. "You're assessment will be in a month." My eyes widened. Assessment?! I never heard of an assessment!

"I requested it." Regina informed as if reading my mind. Shit. Why did she hate me so much?! She knew that this key was the only connection I had left with my aunt; I can't lose it!

"That's all for now." She dismissed me and I rushed out of the Library.

What the hell did she know?!

Okay, stupid question. Everyone knows that librarians used to be keepers.

A history appeared at my side and in my anger, I had kicked him with too much force to the side. He quickly stood up, muttering swear words at me.

He flung himself at me and I dodged him before kicking the nape of his neck as arms circled on my own.

There were two of them.

Clever boys.

Ducking, I swung No. 2 over my head and he landed on his back, unconscious.

No. 1, who was much older than the other was back on his feet, circling me like a predator.

As I was distracted, he grabbed me from behind but my elbow caught his face and he fell to the ground.

Before long, the two of them were back in the Void and my anger had been reduced to a minimum.

I quickly got out of there, I had found a door right beside the school so it was easier to access than I had thought.

Some seniors saw me come out from the side of the school and into the parking lot where they were. They were parked next to my car, so it was pretty hard not to avoid them.

"Hey, Miss Alice." The way he said my name was repulsive to the ears and I nearly cringed from his failed attempt at flirting. But I played along with it.

His eyes scanned over my body and he lifted a hand to my face, taking my silence as a go signal.

Before his hand came in contact with my cheek, I pushed him back and kicked him in the gut. As he keeled over, I grabbed a lacrosse stick from his car and started beating him with it until he was groaning on the ground.

"Listen up, dickheads." I announced and they all turned their attention to me including the guy who was curled up in the ground. "If this is the way you're gonna treat women. Then you aren't gonna get too far."

I broke the lacrosse stick in front of them. "Women are your future." I threw it at them and they all backed away from me. "Don't you wanna have a future?"

They all nodded fearfully and I tilted my head, panting. "That's what I thought." After that, I got in the car and drove home.


Keeper (Teen Wolf/The Archived/Isaac Lahey) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now