Chapter 31 - Talk About Dramatic

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Jackson wasn't with us anymore.

I meant that consciously. He wasn't dead or anything of that sort but the creature staring right at me with yellow eyes had purely the mind of a kanima.

We stared silently at each other, observing each movement the other made. It was dead silent. A mental war between two enemies. The question lingering deep in our minds: Are you stupid enough to make the first move?

I twitched my fingers and made the shelf he was on collapse on top of him but he darted away into safety before giving me a terrifying hiss. Anger burning deep in his throat.

He jumped at me but before he could reach me, I had already pushed him back with my magic rather forcefully, knocking him once again into another stack of books.

Whoops, librarian's gonna have a really rough day tomorrow.

Jackson scurried away from me, jumping from shelf to shelf and disappearing after turning a corner.

Scott chased after him, leaping over the fallen books, courtesy of moi.

"Erica!" He yelled to alert his fellow wolf about the current situation, even if she belonged to an enemy pack.

He's just too nice for his own good.

"Damn it." I cursed as I returned the books to their proper place with a flick of my wrist.

I remembered something disturbing. The security cameras. Closing my eyes, I disabled the cameras without a problem.

"You okay?" Stiles asked when he and Allison finally reached me.

I smirked. "I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." I furrowed my brows. "Never mind me. We need to help Scott."

We ran in the direction to where Scott and Jackson disappeared to and was met with a really disturbing sight.

Scott was staring at Jackson, scattered books all around him. Jackson was in front of the blackboard, facing us.

Jackson was acting really weird, his head suddenly snapping in different directions every now and then, the scales were already apparent on his skin and consuming more than half his face.

To sum it all up, he looked like sone sort of possessed Frankenstein monster, minus the stitches.

He raised his hand behind him, holding up a piece of chalk, he started writing on the board with averting his gaze from us.

I heard Allison gasp behind me and felt the tension of the room increase as Jackson finished his task and dropped the chalk.

I got dizzy as I felt the emotions of everyone who read the words written the forced scrawl of the kanima himself.

Stay out of my way or I'll kill all of you.

I shivered as goosebumps crawled up my arm and something else.

Talk about dramatic. Our opponent is one for the theatrics, I see.

I gasped as a wave of raw, electric and unsuppressed emotions hit me like a ton of bricks.


Allison had grabbed my hand, and from her thoughts, I could tell she was having a panic attack.

I felt lightheaded as her thoughts swarmed through and filled every core of my being.

My heart started pounding as I felt it leap to my throat, my lungs contracting and my vision weakening.

Let go of me!

My knees gave way and I barely registered as Stiles pushed her away from me.

Jackson had long disappeared through the window.

Keeper (Teen Wolf/The Archived/Isaac Lahey) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now