Two years later

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"Bye, I'll see you in two years." I whispered, unsure of this choice.

Readers POV:

Kurapika told me two years in York New, my family has smashed every phone I've ever tried to get so I have no idea what he's been up to.

"I wonder if he found a new girl." I spoke out loud in my little apartment I got in York New.

My eighteenth birthday was two days ago, maybe Kurapika just forgot.

I decided to go onto a walk, see if I could find even the slightest bit of information.

"I guess I need a job." I was talking to myself.

I walked towards building, trying to find someone to hire me. Okay maybe I could find someone who knows where Kurapika is.

First stop, Hisoka. He'll for sure know where Kurapika or anyone else is.

Fuck! I don't know where Hisoka is though.

I went to the old run down park near the river, I was watching the water flow down the stream as someone touched my shoulder.

"Excuse me miss, I'm sorry for bothering you-" I looked around and found Kurapika. Nineteen year old Kurapika!

"Yes?" I asked trying to see if he'd say something first.

"Oh Um I'm sorry for asking but is your name (y/n)?" He asked.

It is why Kurta?" I asked forgetting that it might not be him.

Kurapika stared at me in disbelief. "You're actually (y/n)!" Kurapika yelled in joy.

"Yeah, I'm (y/n), I think.." I added as I questioned myself.

Kurapika just laughed at my stupidness. I missed his smile, his laugh, his voice, basically everything about him.

He was never a people for physical touch, however I just wish he'd squeeze me so tight till I suffocate.

I'm honestly much of a physical touch, it makes me feel like I'm not alone. However, since the day I met him, I respected his wishes.

"We have so much to catch up on." I added.

"We do, however are you warm enough? It is twenty degrees out and your only wearing a hoodie." Kurapika mentioned.

"Yeah a little, I'm sorry I forgot a coat, I was to busy looking for stuff." I admitted.

"You idiot." Kurapika smiled as he took off his jacket and handed it to me.

"Put it on." Kurapika demanded.

"Sure mom." I sarcastically said, he didn't take that as a joke..

"I wouldn't come back for you if I was your mom." Kurapika joked.

"Wowww, I don't miss your attitude." I admitted.

I put the jacket on as we both went to my apartment.

"So, have you seen the others?" I asked

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