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I heard a crash then it all went out.

Kurapika's POV:

"(Y/n)! Pick up!" I yelled as I slammed my fist into the tree.

I searched everywhere, she was no where to be found. I should've followed her! I'm so stupid for letting her run out like that.

"(Y/n)?" I asked as I heard her pick up.

"Hello?" Some other person answered.

"Where's (y/n)?!" I yelled at the person on the other line.

"This is the (l/n) residents, if you'd like to speak with so called (y/n) you speak of. How can we prove she knows you?" The person asked.

"Just let her speak to me, please!" I cried, scared for her.

"No, have a good day." The person hung up.

I don't want the others involved, it's not there fault she went missing.

If I recall, the (l/n) residents is only a two day flight. I hope she'll be okay until then.

I started walking away as I noticed something in my old bedroom window. There was another man of Rose. It's not like I care, we're over anyway.

I looked away and ran to the closest bus stop. I need to find (y/n)!

Readers POV:

"Where am I?" I asked as my head was dizzy and I felt horrible.

"Good, you're up. I'll go let your mother know." My maid Stephanie emotionlessly spoke.

"Great, while you're at it get father." I mumbled.

"Right away." Stephanie replied as she left.

I remember this, it was my old room. I used to grow up in this. I honestly used to be treated like a queen.

I used to hang out with Illumi right over there, until Killua was born.

I had a water bed, which is the bed I'm in right now. It's queen size. I was treated amazing. Until I snuck out and met Kurapika. Then I got a new room, it was cold, small, and I was in chains most of the time.

"Master (y/n), you're father is out on a mission, I have your mother though." Stephanie announced.

"Alright, bring her in." I groaned.

"(Y/n), dear you're awake." Mother had an evil smirk on her face.

"Mother, I'm over eighteen now. You must let me go." I demanded.

"To go back with your lover boy? He didn't even follow you into that dark alley! What if it wasn't Evan in that alleyway?" Mother shouted as if she cared.

"He wasn't with me at the time, I ran out before he got to have a chance to follow me!" I defended Kurapika.

"Face it deary, he doesn't love you." Mother scoffed.

"I promise you, he doesn't need to love me for me to go out and roam the world." I mumbled.

"I got this room all tidy for you, and I was nice enough to not put you back to your old room." Mother pouted.

"I'll visit, if that's what it takes for my freedom." I muttered.

"What was that? I didn't hear you." Mother smirked.

"I said I'll visit!" I shouted, my hatred of her taking over.

"Not enough, say, I'll make a deal with you." Mother suggested.

"What is it." I mumbled.

"If you're lover boy comes looking for you, I'll let you go. If he doesn't show up looking for you, you're stuck here with me." Mother explained.

"Deal." I replied, knowing Kurapika would come find me.

"If you lie about Kurapika not being here, you're dead." I added as mother dropped a sweat.

"Okay, I'll let you know right away." Mother gulped then left the room.

I sat by the window the entire day. I wasn't taking a chance of my mother not letting me see him.

I waited as patiently as I could, Kurapika needs to hurry up!

Two days have passed, I've only moved to use the bathroom. I have yet to even eat! I'm not wasting a single second. On top of that, I'm barley sleeping so I can imagine how horrible I look.

"Let's go (y/n)." Evan announced.

"Where." I mumbled, not taking my eyes off the window.

"You're mother has requested to see you." Evan explained.

"Tell her I'm busy." I muttered.

"She said it's important." Evan added.

"Tell her I'm busy!" I shouted.

"I hate repeating myself." I added.

"Yes master." Evan mumbled.

A few minutes later my mother comes barging in.

"(Y/n), let's go." She demanded.

That was when I saw the gate open.

"Wait! There's someone here." I mumbled to myself.

I was so interested in who it was.

Mother tried picking me up before I saw who was there.

"It's Kurapika!" I smiled as I knew it was time to go home.

"You're not going to see him. Stephanie!" Mother called as I was being carried away.

I know exactly where I was going, they're bringing me to the 'other room.'

"You liar!" I shouted.

"You'll be fine." Mother scoffed as she walked off while Stephanie and Evan were chaining me up.

"You guys aren't going to leave me are you?" I cried as they started walking off.

"Don't go!" I demanded, they didn't listen.

They shut the door as everything was dark, there was no source of light.

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