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After we ate, Kurapika and I watched a movie and I went up to bed to go to sleep.

Readers POV:

Kurapika had already left for his job, I should probably go find one. I already know I'd like to either be a bodyguard or a detective.

I was walking around town when I noticed a flyer.

'Bodyguard wanted!'

Well looks like I'll be a bodyguard. I called the number as someone picked up right away.

"Hello, I'm calling about the bodyguard job." I spoke.

"Could you please come to the coffee shop on Main Street to speak with me?" The person on the phone asked.

"Sure, what time." I asked.

"Now, see you when you get here." The person hung up.

"That was weird." I thought as I walked to the coffee shop.

Once I got there, there was only one person there. I'm assuming thats the person who I talked to.

"Excuse me." I spoke to the person who was the only one here.

"I don't have time, I'm waiting for someone to show up." They shooed me away.

"By any chance did they ask for a job?" I asked.

"Yes, why?" They responded.

"That was me." I glared at them, I have a feeling I won't like this person.

"You? A girl?" The person laughed.

There it was, the reason why I already don't like them.

I punched them in the gut, then as he stumbled back I teleported them kicked him in the side.

"Yes it was me who you were speaking to." I hissed as I teleported onto the table where I then just watched the man hold onto his side where I kicked him.

"Hm, I like your style little girl. You're hired." The man smirked.

"Great, when and where?" I asked, as I needed the job.

"Tomorrow morning, four in the morning until twelve at night. You'll get paid three hundred dollars an hour. Here's the place address and the phone number." The man explained.

"Also we get weekends off." He added

"Alright thank you, see you tomorrow." I groaned, knowing this wont be easy.

I walked back home and just watched tv till Kurapika got back.

In the meantime, I just kept thinking of yesterday when he confessed to me.

'"I said I've always liked you more than a friend." Kurapika repeated as he walked closer to me.

"Huh, that's funny. So do I." Kurta joked as he kissed me.'

Kurapika kissed me yesterday! He confessed and kissed me! Two in one! Then not only that he chased his ex away! I'll take that as he really does like me!

As I kept thinking of yesterday, I caught myself squealing into a pillow.

I set my alarms for four in the morning as I fell asleep on the couch.

I heard my alarm go off as it startled me and Kurapika. Kurapika was laying on the couch with me.

"I'm sorry Kurta, just go back to sleep." I mumbled tiredly.

"Where are you going?" He asked, obviously not letting me go so easy.

"I work now, I'll be back later." I mumbled as I tried going into the room to get dressed

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