The decision

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"Bye see you soon!" I hung up.

Readers POV:

I heard my door open without anyone knocking.

"Hello?" I asked a bit freaked out.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Gon as he leaped up to hug me.

"You guys made it!" I laughed with tears streaming down my face.

"Why are you leaving?" Killua asked angry.

"I just want to travel, that's all." I smiled.

"(Y/n), I can tell your not happy. What's wrong?" Leorio added as he walked in.

"We'll to be honest, I was crying because I found out Kurapika has a girlfriend. I'm happy for him though! However, my mother wants me home, the easiest way is to say I'm traveling." I admitted.

"(Y/n), your parents are as bad as mine!" Killua announced.

"I know, but it's fine. Kurapika's happy without me, that's all I could ask for." I whispered.

"(Y/n), whatever you're thinking about, don't go back to your mother!" Leorio pleaded.

"It's alright guys, just take care of Kurapika for me, will you? Make sure his girlfriend treats him right." I smiled.

"(Y/n), it makes you seem like you're going to commit." Killua added.

"It's alright I won't." I admitted.

"I'm going to take a walk to calm down though, I'll see you guys later." I mumbled as I walked out with my half way charged phone.


Shalnark (Y/n)

Hey Shalnark, can I see you?

Yeah! I'll meet you by the
old park near the river.

Ok sound good! Meet you there!


I walked to the park as I saw Shalnark already there. He wasn't alone this time. There was this pretty black short haired girl, and Hisoka!

"Shalnark!" I hollered.

"Hey (y/n)!" Shalnark yelled back.

"I just wanted to say bye one last time." I mentioned as I got close enough to not yell.

"Where you going?" Shalnark asked.

"This is the creature you said you heard there name before." The girl mentioned.

"Yes, doesn't her name sound familiar?" Shalnark asked.

"Anyway, I'm going to travel." I replied.

"What about lover boy?" Hisoka mentioned.

"Hisoka, you don't need to talk about him right now." I glared at Hisoka.

"Who's he talking about?" Shalnark asked.

"My best friend." I admitted.

"Alright well, don't get to far from me. I'll miss you." Shalnark laughed as he rubbed my head.

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