Thought back in work

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"(Y/n)?!" Someone's voice said behind me.

Readers POV:

"Huh?" I asked as I turned around to see Killua standing right behind me.

"Hey Killua, this is my friend Shalnark!" I admitted.

"I need to speak with you!" Killua's voice sound terrified.

"Okay, I'll be back guys." I replied while dragging Killua into an alley.

"Yeah?" I asked innocently.

"Do you have a clue who those people are?!" Killua yelled a bit.

"No?" I replied.

"That's the phantom troupe!" Killua yelled in a whisper.

"Huh? Really? There too nice to hurt a fly." I defended them.

"How much of your Nen did you use while you were gone?" Killua asked.

"Not much." I admitted.

"Don't you loose memories each day you go without your Nen?" Killua asked.

"Well sorta, I lose my four senses and my memory.." I admitted.

"Okay well they're the phantom troupe, Kurapika would be furious if he found out!" Killua argued.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know!" I cried.

"It's alright tell them something happened and you have to leave." Killua replied.

"Okay.." I whispered.

"Hey Shalnark, I'm sorry, something happened I have to get back to my house." I mumbled as I was shaking bad.

"Are you alright? You're trembling bad! Do you need help walking home?" Shalnark asked.

"No I'll be alright, I can teleport, remember?" I explained.

"Alright, be safe." Shalnark smiled then I walked off with Killua.

I teleported Killua and I back to the apartment.

"I'm assuming Gon is asleep." I whispered as I opened the door.

I heard Gon peacefully snoring away as Killua and I both went to bed.

"Wake up!" I heard someone yell as they aggressively shook me.

"What!" I snapped out of my sleep.

"Kurapika is here, he wants to talk with you." Killua muttered.

"Send him in." I groaned.

"Okay." Killua replied.

A minute later, who I'd assume Kurta knocked on my door.

"Hey sleepyhead, you could've warned me the boys were over before I just walked into your place." Kurapika muttered.

"Sorry, I didn't expect people to just walk right into my apartment." I sarcastically spoke.

"Maybe try locking your door, what if something happens?" Kurapika explained.

"If it makes you so worried. I'll lock it from now on." I mumbled, still trying to sleep.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out, since you're still sleeping I'll ask you later." Kurapika sighed.

"Stay with me." I mumbled before Kurapika even got off the bed.

"Huh?" Kurapika seemed shocked as I opened my eyes then saw the red Kurapika.

"You're blushing." I giggle.

"I wasn't for your information, and if you want me to stay with you so bad I'll just bring you in the living room with me." Kurapika replied.

"Good luck getting me to move." I mumbled as I curled up in a ball.

Kurapika picked me up bridal style and walked towards the living room.

"(Y/n) is up." Kurapika laughed as the lights were really bright.

"You ass!" I mumbled as I stuffed my head in his chest.

"Get a room." I heard Killua tease.

"We're just friends, after all I have a girlfriend." Kurapika replied. He didn't seem happy when he said that.

"Hey Kurapika, you seem off." Gon mentioned.

"What do you mean?" Kurapika's asked as he sat down.

"You don't seem happy when you're talking about your girlfriend then you do with-" Killua covered Gon's mouth.

"That's enough out of you, we should get going Leorio can't handle Alluka by himself for much longer!" Killua nervously chuckled.

"Alright.. bye!" I replied.

"See you later!" Killua added, still having Gon's mouth shut.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"I don't know." Kurapika replied as he sat me down next to him.

"I know you said don't get used to it but I'm used to it, can we hug?" I pouted.

"No." Kurapika coldly spoke.

"Ouch." I mumbled.

"Oh, someone's calling me." I muttered as I walked out of the room to answer it.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked Shalnark.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright, knowing that you left early." Shalnark replied.

"Yeah I'm fine now, thanks for asking!" I cheered, hopefully not to loud for Kurapika to hear it.

"No problem, I'm going on a mission out of town, I'll be back in a week. Will you meet up with me when I come back?" Shalnark asked

"Of course see you then!" I replied as I hung up and walked back to Kurta.

"Kurta! I'm sorry I had to take that." I smiled.

"That's alright, would you like to go on a walk?" Kurapika asked.

"Yes! I need fresh air anyway." I agreed.

As we started walking, we talked to much, as if nobody else mattered right now.

I heard Kurapika yell my name as everything went dark.

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