The rescue

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They shut the door as everything was dark, there was no source of light.

Kurapika's POV:

The butlers let me in quite easy. It's a bit too easy..

"Where (y/n)?" I asked her mother who I've always hated.

"You just missed her." Her mother lied to my face.

"Evan, Stephanie, don't touch me!" I heard (y/n) cry.

"I just missed her huh?" I answered.

"That was my other daughter, Avery." Her mother tried getting away with that.

"It's over, just let me see her." I muttered.

"Kurapika dear, I don't know what you mean." Her mother laughed it off.

I darted out of the room to where I heard (y/n), leaving her mother in that room.

"(Y/n)?" I whispered.

"Kurta?" I heard her voice.

"Where are you?" I asked as she was hiding.

"Right here, let's go now!" She demanded.

"Hurry!" She yelled as I stood there for a minute.

"Right sorry!" I apologized.

(Y/n) grabbed onto me and teleported us out of there.

"You're alright!" I sighed with relief as we were back at the house.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." She mumbled as she dug her head into my chest.

"It's alright, just next time don't leave without me. We can avoid that now." I whispered in her ear, not trying to be to loud.

"I'll need a new phone then." She laughed as red caressed her face.

"That's okay, a phone isn't necessary." I chuckled.

I sat down on the couch, soon enough she followed. She sat next to me, but then placed her head on my shoulder!

I was internally freaking out. What would I even say to her? Do I just let her lay on me?

"I'm tried." (Y/n) sighed.

"Go to bed, I can walk you up to your bedroom if you need." I mentioned.

"Let's just watch a movie." (Y/n) demanded.

"Alright." I responded with a small chuckle.

I turned on her (f/m) until with both fell asleep.

Readers POV:

"Mmm.." I mumbled as I started waking up.

I looked around as I noticed I was I'm the living room.

That's right, I fell asleep watching a movie.

"You're awake." Kurapika smirked softly.

"Yeah.." I groaned as I realized, I was laying on him.

"I'm sorry!" I jerked up from the couch.

"It's alright, I didn't want to wake you." Kurapika mentioned.

"I'll make breakfast!" I chimed.

"No you don't, remember the last time you tried cooking?" Kurapika asked.

"What do you mean, that was two years ago. I can cook now!" I pouted.

"Sure you can, either way, I'm the cook." Kurapika smiled then dashed into the kitchen and locked me out.

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