Last Night

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"Yeah, well it's getting late. I'll see you later." I pushed Shalnark out of the apartment as I went up to sleep.

Readers POV:

I got woken up by someone violently shaking me.

"Hm?" I answered the shaking. I slowly tried opening my eyes but closed then up again since the sun was in my face.

"(Y/n), you're still here!" I heard someone's voice as they hugged me.

"Mhm.." I mumbled still half asleep.

"Idiot, wake up." I heard another voice as that made me slowly open my eyes.

"I'm up." I answered while sitting up.

"What made you change your mind kid?" I heard Leorio ask.

"I'd rather not run from my problems. Also you guys should've brought me coffee if you were going to wake me up." I replied.

"Actually, we were gonna go to a beagle shop, you wanna come with?" Gon asked.

"Yeah let me get changed." I replied.

"Okay, see you in a bit kids." Leorio answered as he pushed Gon and Killua out.

"She means give her privacy you pedophile." I heard Kurapika smack Leorio on the back of his head.

"I'll make sure he doesn't peek, don't worry." Kurapika smiled then walked off.

I went to grab sweat pants and a hoodie to change into.

After I finished changing, I walked out my room to see all four of them on my couch.

"What am I sixteen again?" I asked with tears in the corner of my eyes.

"You sure act it." Killua mouthed off to me.

"Excuse me little boy!" I blurted as we locked eyes.

"You heard me." Killua replied

"You're so lucky I don't wanna hurt you." I mumbled.

"Haha." Killua taunted me.

"Alright let's get to the bagel shop shall we?" Kurapika asked.

"Yeah! I'm starving." Gon whined.

As we got our food, we decided to sit at a table instead of eating out.


"Alright guys, it was so good to see you again. I'm going to relax now." I waved good bye and Alluka gave me a hug.

"Bye guys!" I silently yelled as I waved everyone goodbye.

I got into my car a drove home.

Finally I'm home, I can relax and not worry about anything.

My phone went off as I sat down on the couch.

"Hey (y/n), meet me at the park at three in the morning. I'd like to race with you and all around just hang out! I'll even bring some coworkers of mine!" Shalnark suggested.

"That's sound great! I'll see you there." I replied hanging up the phone.

"Sometimes I feel like I get no break." I sighed.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Gon cry as he bursted threw my door.

"Yes Gon?" I asked highly confused.

"Kurapika is dating someone else, her name is Rose and she's a complete ass!" Killua complains as he walks in behind Gon.

"What happened? What did she say to you." I hissed.

"Kurapika went to the bathroom and she started telling us to get lost and never talk to Kurapika again! You better show her, her place (y/n)!" Gon cried.

"Gon, I can't. I'm not the one dating Kurapika to have that place to tell her to fuck off." I admitted.

"She's going to pay for what she said." Killua muttered.

"I think we all can agree shes an ass, okay? But let's be happy about it for Kurapika." I implied my opinions.

"Okay..can we stay here for tonight?" Gon asked.

"Of course, here the couch pulls out to be a bed." I added.

"Thanks." Killua mumbled.

"Anything for you guys." I replied as we watched movies until two.

"Alright you guys should get to bed it's getting late." I mumbled as I walked down to my room.

Killua of course won't go to sleep and Gon goes to sleep before Killua does so I'll have to sneak out, or give an excuse.

Three o'clock came by fast. I think I'd have to explain to them my friend wants to meet me.

I walked towards the living room and it looked like they were sleeping.

I opened the door to get out and Killua threw a pillow at me.

"Where you going?" Killua whispered not trying to wake Gon who was next to him.

"My friend needs me for a bit. I'll be back before five." I explained as I walk out the door.

I doubt Killua would come with. He's not the type to do that without Gon at least.

"Shalnark!" I yelled as I saw him waiting in the park with a few other people.

"Hey! I brought my coworkers along, only some though.

"There was the Shizuku girl, this short gremlin, and a woman with big boobs and a long nose.

"(Y/n), this is Shizuku, Feitan, and Pakunoda.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you!" I greeted them.

"I don't like this one." Feitan mumbled to Shalnark.

"Well I'm here to race, who will I go against first?"

"Me." Says Feitan.

"Okay! We turn around by oak street then the first one here wins!" I announced.

"Deal." Feitan mumbled.

As soon as we started running, I somehow started teleporting. I haven't used Nen in awhile. I don't even know how to control it.

"You're cheating." Feitan whispered into my ear as we passed each other.

"Sorry!" I cried.

"Woah! (Y/n), how did you teleport like that?" Shalnark asked.

"I'm not sure but I want a rematch!" I demanded even though I won.

"(Y/n)?!" Someone's voice said behind me.

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