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I heard Kurapika yell my name as everything went dark.

Readers POV:

(Y/n), are you okay?" I heard a voice.

"She's alright, she just passed out. She'll be fine in no time." Leorio announced.

"G-guys?" I asked.

"We're right here (y/n)." I heard Kurapika's comforting voice.

"What happened?" I asked slowly opening my eyes.

"You passed out." Kurapika sighed.

Then there was a knock on the door. Everyone is here including Alluka so I'm not sure who it would be.

"I'll get it." Gon exclaimed.

"Where's Kurapika?" I heard a voice ask as no one was allowing me to get up.

"(Y/n), you need rest." Leorio mentioned.

"Kurapika's hoe is here." Killua grumbled as he sat by the end of my feet.

"You're okay!" I heard Alluka yell as she jumped on me.

She started squeezing the last braincells I had left.

"Alluka.. you're choking me-e." I muttered.

"Sorry." Alluka innocently replied.

"It's alright, is Kurapika okay?" I asked as Gon walked back in.

"There fighting, Kurapika doesn't seem to enjoy her company right now.." Gon admits.

"It's alright (y/n), Kurapika can fight his own battles." Leorio comforted me.

"Let's watch a movie." Killua suggested as I fixed myself for everyone to sit on the couch.

"Sure." Everyone agreed.

We started watching a movie I never heard of. We only got ten minutes in until Kurapika stormed in the room and slammed the door.

"Kurta?" I asked.

He seemed frustrated, then he saw everyone on the couch and smiled a bit.

"What move are we watching?" Kurapika asked.

Leorio moved over and patted the spot next to me. "Come see." Leorio replied.

Kurapika sat down right by me, our arms were touching, that's how much space Leorio gave Kurapika and I.

"Leorio, do you mind moving a bit?" I asked as I was being squished by two people.

"Sorry, no room." Leorio replied as I looked over towards Killua Gon and Alluka.

Gon was laying down with his feet up on the arm rest and his head on Killua's lap with a pillow. Alluka was curled up in a ball with her head on the pillow Killua has on his lap.

"It's okay." I mumbled, not wanted to move either of them.

Once the movie ended, Kurapika made us dinner, Killua, Gon, and Alluka all were chasing each other, and Leorio and I were watching Kurapika cook.

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