Chapter 14

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I always feel so weirded out by writing mr. Yashiro like fr. And I just post this chapter cuz my friend said I have to post a chapter so here we are lmao.

I was already packing my stuff into my bag, even though school wasn't even over. „Y/n, please wait for that until the bell rings", Mr. Yashiro warned me and I scrunched my nose in respond. Ignoring him and pulled out the rest of my sandwich from lunch. „Sure", I responded and sat down onto my chair again. Quietly finishing the sandwich. I felt how someone nudged me softly into the side. „Is something wrong?" I turned my head to the left to look at Kenya and shrugged. „I dunno, mr. Yashiro is acting kinda weird lately, don't ya think", Kenya raised and eyebrow at my statement and shrugged. „Maybe he's in love or something", he suggested and I giggled. „Books don't teach you about love, Romeo", I had to snort at my bad joke while Kenya just let out an annoyed sound. „And you do know so much about Love either", he sarcastically said but sounded almost offended because I attacked his books. I shrugged in respond and focused on the clock until the bell rang.

„Can you guys help me with something?" Saturo asked Hiromi, Kenya and I after school. We nodded in respond and grabbed all our stuff, saying quickly good bye to Kazu and Osamu. Not knowing that they'd follow us.

Saturo walked straight into the direction of the Isomi primary school. I scrunched my nose, while I was still putting on my gloves I just found in my coat. „Am I the only one who's sorta worried, why is he so obsessed with this school", I asked the other two under my breath, but Saturo heard me and glanced kinda mad at me. We followed him to a shelter (at first I thought it was a bus station) where a girl around our age sat on a bench. She was reading in a book. We approached her. „Hey", Saturo said, I stood slightly embarrassed behind my friends and rubbed my neck. „Do I know you?" the Girl said, giving us an suspicious look. I shook my head at her question while the others introduced themselves. „And who's that there in the back", Aya - The girl - pointed at me. I stepped for. „Oh this is y/n l/n, they're usually not like that", I scratched my neck again at Saturos introducion. „Yeah, I kinda had a bad day", I explained and cracked a smile. It wasn't even a lie. „Um, what Are you Reading?" Kenya asked curious and pointed at the book. Of course he had to ask that. „Oh, it's Shakespeare", she answered and showed him the book. Kenya gasped and stared at the book. I snickered at his reaction, that in my opinion counted as fan-girling. „You're so weird", I mumbled and he gave me a warning look. Then Aya stood up suddenly and pointed at our secret hide out, that stood far behind her. „I now know why y'all look so familiar, you're those kids that sneak into this house al the time", she said and I scratched again my neck. This whole situation was rather weird. I stared at the building she was pointing at. Not really listening to the others. The mood changed suddenly as Aya called the hideout childish and stupid. „Well I guess it's kinda stupid", I muttered and felt how Kenya grabbed me at my collar. I guess Saturo would've also jumped at me, but Hiromi held him back. „How dare you take her side y/n", I shrugged in respond but felt how my face turned bright red. I pushed Kenya's hand away and rolled my eyes. Aya then just walked away, shaking her head. „Wait!" someone shouted. Kazu jumped out of a bush and stepped in front of the girl. She was at least 1 head shorter than him. „A secret hide out is the dream of every kid!" he explained and my face dropped. What the heck is he doing here? Is that all a sick joke or- I interrupted my thoughts as I saw the blush on Kazus face and Aya was also kinda blushing. „Woah, love is in the air", I sang in a mocking tone and let out a small giggle. I saw how Osamu stepped out of the bush and gave him a confused look. He shrugged in respond. „You of all people, have nö right to mock them y/n!" Hiromi warned me and I felt how my cheeks began to burn up again. Aya left after Kazu told her she should come over and then she'll get the whole thing, with the words: „Y'all are crazy!"


The next day we all sat in the hide out. I was laughing at Osamus bad performance of Kazu how he invited Aya the day before. Then I sat down on the second chair, we had just too in the hideout, and grabbed one of my comics. Suddenly the door flew open and Aya stepped in. „Well I have time so..." she smiled shy at us and we all smiled back at her.


It was already dark as we left the hide out. All blabbering and giggeling. Aya did have to walk into an other direction but we all promised that we'll meet up the next day. „Hm what do you think", Osamu said to Hiromi, they both were walking in front of us. He said it in his voice, that warned us all that he'll say something stupid. But we never tried to stop him. Osamu leaned over to Hiromis ear and said, loud enough that everyone could here him: „Who will end up first together? Aya and Kazu, it was obviously Love at first sight, or y/n and Kenya, the couple-" Three snowballs hit him at the back of his head. All from different kids. Every single one with a burning red face. Well besides of Saturo, he was laughing in the back. „Osamu, shut up", I pleaded him as I saw that he was about to start again. „Yeah, And I don't like Aya!" Kazu shouted loudly and I nodded. „Same for me!" I was ofc not talking about Aya and my lie was unbelievable due the fact that my face was crimson red by now. Osamu, Hiromi and Saturo all giggled at our reaction, then they all got hit by snowballs. „Fine we'll stop", Saturo said but you could tell that he was betting with the others over telepathy or something. „You guys are so childish", I let out a loud groan. Kazu was his old self again and I bet that Kenya was too, he was calm as usual, his face shoved in his book. I couldn't the blush he was hiding behind his book. „Keep telling yourself everything you just said", Kazu said nudging me slightly in the side and I gave him a death stare. At exact that moment we all had to split up. I grabbed Kenya roughly at his arms and stuck out my tongue to everyone else. „Y'all Are idiots", I said, dragging Kenya down the street.

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