Chapter 19

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yo idk what this is but were slowly getting to an end maybe two or three chapters until then, i do have a slight idea for the end but I have to get there first. Anyway thanks for the 300+ reads and the 15 votes. Idk but if you like hxh I am currently (still) writing a kurapika x reader so if you wanna read it, go on my profile lmao. So but now have fun reading this.

I stared at the ceiling, laying exhausted on my bed and replying everything that did happen. A knock at my door let me shot up from my laying position. It creaked open and my moms head peaked in. She raised her eyebrows in surprise as she saw that I was still awake. "Why are you still awake, you should be sleeping by now", she asked in an scolding tone. I shrugged in respond and laid back down. Biting my lips in thoughts. She gave me a worried look. "Is something wrong?" she asked and quickly walked over to me, sitting down at my bed end. "Everything is fine." I almost added a: "worry about yourself." bur I kept quite. She game me a weird look. "You're gonna be late for your shift", I said with a look onto the clock on my night stand. My mom just made a dismissive hand movement, before asking another question: "Did you had a fight with Kenya", I felt how my face turned bright red. Mom smiled pouly over herself, she always hit the mark. I let out a sight and sat up again, facing now my mom. "It wasn't exactly a fight", and so I started to explain.


My gaze was focused on the ground before me, while I nervously played with the hem of my jacket.  "What's wrong", Kenya gave me a worried look and I just shrugged in respond, rubbing with m hands over my tired eyes. "Nothing", I finally answered, but it was more of an exhausted whisper, than an actual word. Kenya did still understand me though. "You're a terrible liar, y/n", my eyes twitched in annoyance and my hands automatically slipped into my jacket pockets and I kept staring onto the ground, now much more uncomfortable. I heard Kenya sight beside me. We both stayed in silnce for a long time then he broke the silence again: "Is it because of yesterday?" I stopped in track and turned my head into his direction. "What no! It's not that..." I trailed off at the end, not really knowing what to say, so I just stood there and nuzzled my face into my scarf. Trying to hide my blush. "What is it then", he asked and continued walking to school, a smug smirk plastered onto his face. I groaned in annoyance and cached up to him. His smirk widened as I didn't answer. "that's what I thought", and with that he pulled my hand out of my pocket and took it into his own. "I hate this side of you", I said in a pouting manner and glanced angrily at him. He had to chuckle and then I saw a small blush creping onto his face. Finally! "Aw you're so cute", I teased and pinched his cheeks, getting a snowball into my face as respond.

As we entered the classroom, I was already freezing, the Snowball that Kenya threw at me a bit earlier, had molten in my jumper. And now I was really cold. I gave him an angry look and walked straight to my seat. "morning", I greeted Osamu and Kazu who just stepped in, both gave me a bright smile. Saturo and Hiromi entered the room quickly after the other two. "Um, y/n why is your jumper so wet?" asked Saturo and the others all started to laugh. I looked down at me and yes, my jumper was wet. I rolled my eyes, Why didn't I just closed my jacket? I asked myself and gave Kenya another angry look. Ignoring Saturo's question. My gaze wandered around the class room and I stopped by Misato, she was sitting alone at her desk and did read a comic. I titled my head while watching her. Completely ignoring the conversation my friends had. "What about you y/n?" My head shot up and I turned around to look at Hiromi, he did had slightly nudged me t get my attention. "Hm? What about me?" I asked and gave him a confused look, he's let out a slight giggle. "Are you gonna watch the ice-hockey game", I shrugged in response. "I didn't planned on going, why is Koichi playing", my whole friend group nodded and I shrugged again. I didn't really care about ice-hockey nor Koichi, I thought Koichi was annoying anway. So I shook my head and stood up from my seat and leaned against my desk so I could face my friends. A small smile on my lips. They all suddenly stared at me, as if I was a ghost. "Something the matter?" I asked and gave them a confused and at the same time curious look. "You aren't in a bad mood as usual", a blush crept onto my cheeks and I turned my head back to Misato, trying to hide my Blush. But in exact that second, Misato looked up and she stared at me uncomfortable, so I turned my head Back to our friends. Seeing Kenya hiding his blush behind his book. "I think Kenya and y/n are hiding something", Osamu guessed and pointed with his finger at us. I shook my head, we weren't exactly hiding anything, we weren't even anything. I rubbed confused over my temples and sighted. My head was already hurting and it was just morning. The other's rant on, trying to lift our secret, and my headache got just stronger. So I sat onto my desk and put my head on the table. "Could y'all shut up now", I asked annoyed and tey all went quite.

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