Chapter 20

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So many chapter already?! I didn't expect I would write hat many lmao. You see, were getting to the end of the story so yeah, enjoy ig.

My gaze lingered on Saturo as we all stood at the front gate of our school. I put my hands into my pockets and gave him an expecting look. „So you Are going to the ice-hockey game?" I asked again and raised an eyebrow at him. He nodded in respond and gave me a calming smile. „Should we come with you?" Kenya asked with a smile plastered onto his lips and Saturo shook his head again. „no need!" he exclaimed and ran off, I shook my head and let out a small laugh. "He's such a weirdo", Kazu told us, while turning his head to look t us. "Yeah! He must always exaggerate!" Osamu shouted in agreement and we all laughed and turned around to walk to our hideout. "It's not like we're not going to meet him at school tomorrow", Kenya added as we walked there, I nodded in agreement, while the others laughed again and then we were already standing in front of the hide out. "Imma pick up Aya from school", Kazu said, while turning into the direction of the Isomi primary school.


My gaze wandered around the small room, a frown in my face. Then I looked at the watch on my wrist, letting out a sight in concern. "Didn't Saturo want to come after the game", I asked the others, who were joyfully playing a card game. Everyone turned their heads in my direction, giving me a confused look. I looked at my watch again, feeling more worried than before. "Maybe he went home already", Hiromi suggested, while tapping the cards of the game at his chin in thoughts. I nodded and tried to shrugging it off, but I still had the feeling that something was of. I grabbed the comic that I was actually reading even tighter than before and tried to continue reading, but I couldn't concentrate. I let out another sight and slide from the chair I was sitting on, down to the floor, next to Aya. "Can I join?" I asked, pointing to the cards in the middle of the circle. "Sure, but let us finish the game first", Kenya answered, while smiling softly at me. It was his regular smile, but I blushed a hundred shades of red. For a moment I forgot that I was worried about Saturo, instead I was worrying about how awkward the situation between us was, but I tried to ignore it with shaking my head. Aya gave me a confused look, well she was actually looking confused back and forth between Kenya an I. Then she raised an eyebrow and gave me a knowing smirk. "Say, are you guys, like dating", she asked with a devilish smile. Oh yes she was a really sweet girl, but sometimes she was the devil in person. I shrugged in respond, watching the others finishing the game.

"Dude you suck", Kazu said, while pointing at me, I glanced annoyed at him. I was obviously loosing, but I couldn't get any clear thought because one: I was still worried about Saturo and two: Kenya didn't let me out of his sight for the whole game, which made me nervous as hell. "What was with the: 'Imma win that shit'", Osamu imitated me and I scrunched my nose and tossed the cards in front of me on the floor. "I'm not feeling well, I'm going home", I said and stood up, my friends stared at me in slight disbelieve. "Are you really or are you just a bad loser", Kazu teased and turned back around to stuck out my tongue. Aya punched him softly onto the shoulder and gave him a warning look. "No I have just a headache", I explained and the others gave me now concerned looks, I waved it off with a small smile. "Don't worry I'm ok", I said and turned to the door to leave, I heard how someone stood up. "Should I bring you home?" Kenya asked worriedly and I shook my head in response. "No need", I told him and opened the door, leaving the building and walked home.


"Oh you're already home?" My dad asked as he parted he broke the kiss between my mom and him. I scrunched my nose in disgust and made a gagging sound. My mum let out a small chuckle, while standing up from the couch and walked over me, giving me a smooch on my cheek, I made another gagging sound. My mom huffed in response then ruffled my hair and looked onto the clock in the kitchen a gasp escaped her and she ran out of the door. Shutting it close with a loud sound. I turned to dad with a confused look. "Isn't she too early for work", I asked, while letting my coat fall onto the ground, followed by my scarf and cloves. Dad shook his head in respond. "They finally changed her schedule", he answered and I smiled , then I ran off to my room. "What about your clothes?!" he asked but I could hear how he already walked to the wardrobe to put my stuff on it. I giggled, then laid down to my bed, glad over the fact that we didn't had homework. But I was still worried over Saturo.


I looked around the classroom, everyone was there, well expect of one, Saturo wasn't here yet. I looked at the clock above the door, the lesson would start in any second. And Mr. Yashiro wasn't here either. "Weird", I thought out loud and attracted the attention of my friends. "Hm? What do yo mean?" Hiromi asked and I quickly looked at him, answering him with a shrug. "Oh it's nothing", I said and cracked a fake smile, but the worried look was still were. I heard how Kenya closed his book and leaned over to me. "You never learn, you're a terrible liar", he said under his breath a smug grin on his face. I let out a small groan still staring onto the clock on the door. Saturo and Mr. Yashiro were already five minutes late. "They bought it", I hissed back, slightly annoyed. And then glanced over to him, he was already reading again, while talking to Kazu. How does he both read and talk? I wondered, I felt watched, so I turned my head into the direction if where I felt it. I saw Misato, she turned her gaze instantly away. I let out a silent sight and hopped down from my desk, walking straight over to her. "Do I have something on my face or-?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. I then crossed my arms in front of my chest. She let out an annoyed huff then shook her head. "No, its just", she stopped, due the fact that the door opened and the whole class turned to it. Mr. Yashiro stood there, instead of his calm loo, he looked kinda stressed. "Please sit down", the whole class followed his order without hesitation, everyone felt that something was off. I felt how my stomach tightened, I knew in an instant that it had something to do with Saturo. I gulped loudly.

"I apologise for being loud", Mr. Yashiro started, looking at everyone and then he continued. "Some of you might have noticed, that Saturo is missing", my face dropped, while I was still listening in disbelieve. Apparently was Saturo in a hospital unconscious and they didn't know when he will wake up or if he ever will wake up. Mr. Yashiro wouldn't tell us, what exactly had happened and to be honest we didn't really care or at least, I didn't really care. I was just so in shock. I knew that something was off.

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