Chapter 21

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Don't judge me! Like fr I was almost sleeping my eyes were almost closed I swear so that's why this chapter is crap. We're getting to the end btw. Andddd um thanks for 400+ reads like fr idk two days ago it were 200 + or something and now  400+ like wtf. Anyway have fun lmao.

I rubbed tiredly over my eyes and stared at my computer. It was dark around me because I had being too lazy to turn on the light, when the sun went down. I yawned and re-read the E-mail I was about to send. Everything seems fine. With that I clicked on send and turned the computer off. Automatically regretting it as I sat in complete darkness on my desk. I turned on the desk lamp and walked over to my closet. Grabbed an old shirt and changed into that, then I turned the desk lamp off and laid down onto my bed. I fell asleep as my head hit the pillow.

A loud sound made me open my eyes. I let out a groan and sat up slowly, trying to figure out where the sound would come from. I turned to my nightstand and wanted to turn off my alarm clock. I punched it to turn it off but it didn't work. Then I saw the time. „Fuck!" I exclaimed and jumped up. I did give up on finding where the sound came from, I was already too late for work. I put on some clothes and then gathered all my stuff together. Grabbing my phone from the table and tossed it into my bag. Then I opened the door of my room and entered the little kitchen. I grabbed some bread and ate it in an instant, then I ran out of he building and to the train station, calling my boss on the way there. „Y/n?" he asked confused. Weird, wouldn't he freak out? I asked myself while chugging down some coffee I just bought at the little store on the train station. „I'm sorry sir that I'm late again", I explained while walking up and down on the platform. „Um, l/n you don't work today", he explained and I stopped in my tracks, checking the date on my Nokia. It was Thursday one of my day off. I let out a groan and turned on my heels to walk back home. „Then I'm sorry that I bothered you sir", I apologized and heard him chuckle on the other side of the line. „No problem l/n, I'll see you tomorrow", and with that he hung up. Wtf is wrong with me?! I ruffled my hair, then I pulled out my keys and sped up my pace. I finally arrived at my apartment and opened the door. I scrunched my nose at the bad smell. „When did I lash open the windows?" I thought loud and opened some windows. Then I sat down on the couch and turned on my tv. I quickly checked my phone, because I didn't had time. Some unread messages, some missed calls. I raised an eyebrow. It was rather strange, not that I had so many messages or missed calls no, the numbers that called me. I just called the first person back, who happened to be Kayo Sugita „Oh y/n", she picked up in an instant. „You called", I said and already felt how my head started to throb. I rubbed over my temples. „Didn't you hear it?" her usual calm voice sounded mir excited. I shook my head but then remembered that she couldn't hear me so I answered with a dry: „What?" I heard a baby cry out on the other side of the line and sighed in annoyance. Already feeling how my headache was getting worse. „Can you wait for a bit?" and with that she stopped the call. I let out a sight again and walked into my small kitchen and filled a glass with water, then I walked back to the living room and sat onto the couch. I grabbed the phone and put it between my ear and shoulder so I could move freely. Well expect of my head. I didn't had to wait that long, for her to come back. „So?ä I asked annoyed, thinking that I could actually be sleeping again. Why did I even call back? It's not like I ignore the most of my contacts. I heard her let out a breath. „Saturo woke up", I chocked on my water and started to cough roughly. I could manage to spit out a raspy: „What?", before I started to cough again. She kept being silent until I was done. „Sorry", I answered with a cracked voice. I heard her let out a small laugh. „To everyone's surprise he did woke up", she explained to me again as if I would be slowly minded. I sipped at my class of water again. „Can we go visit him?" I asked curious and put that glass of water down onto the tv-table.
It was silent for a bit. „Not yet, but soon", she said, trailing off at the end. I listened carefully to her, while she was explaining to me everything she knew. „Well I really need to go now", she then finished and I let out a breath of relieve. „Oh okay, see you", I muttered and ended the call. So a call of all those people woke me upset. I thought as I turned on the tv.


I stepped into the cold hospital room, my coat (I guess it was fall) in my one hand, a cup of coffee in the other hand. I had to be honest, I was kinda nervous. I haven't seen him in years. About 15? Maybe more.

The elevator brought me to the right floor and now I had just to find the right room. I could see the numbers on the sides of the doors, so I quickly found the one I was looking for. I knocked at the door. It was quite for a few seconds before I heard someone say: „Come in", I stepped in and quickly looked around the room. Two figures were in front of the bed Saturo laid in. One of them stood, the other one sat on a chair. I had the feeling, that they were Hiromi Sugita and Kenya Kobayashi. But I wasn't sure though, O haven't seen them since more than a year. I stepped closer and stood next to the person who was standing. And yes I was right. It were Hiromi and Kenya. Hiromi sat on the chair and Kenya was standing on my right. My gaze wandered to Saturo. He was sitting on his bed, leaning on the wall. He did also change since my last visit, that was just about 2 months ago. I swallowed down a weird greeting that was laying on my tongue and greeted him with a simple: „Hello, it's nice to see you", Saturos gaze turned to me and his eyes focused on me. „Y/n? Y/n l/n?" he asked in disbelieve, I nodded and my smile widened, knowing that he lost a part of his memory's, it made me happy that he didn't forgot my name or who I was. „Yeah absolutely",I agreed and turned my head to send the other two a quick smile to greet them.

„Sorry that I didn't came to visit you sooner, but I didn't had time", I apologized and  Saturo let out a small chuckle. „You're not the only one, who didn't had time", he nodded in the direction of the other twos, both fell into an ashamed mood for a short second and I had to laugh a little. It sorta felt like we were in 5th grade again, as we were talking there in the hospital room.

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