Chapter 61

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Y/N pov

I honestly couldn't believe it, that Lizzie and I are engaged and she's pregnant. I'm getting everything I've ever wanted in life. The one thing I need to do now is enroll in college to get my GED. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do for a job. I decided to make some breakfast for Lizzie. I was listening to some soft music and dancing as I was making her waffles.

"Nice moves." I heard her say from behind me.

"Really, you just like to stare like a creep." I said as I plated the waffles and set them down on the table for us both with some orange juice.

"Well I can stare like a creep if I wanted to." She stated with a smirk before digging in. I heard her moan as she took a bite and I blushed a little and looked down at my plate before she noticed. "I still have an affect on you after all this time. Good to know." She said with a satisfied smirk.

"Well how can you not. Have you seen you?" I said as I motioned to her.

"You do realise I'm going to get fat." She said sadly.

"No you're not. You're growing our baby and that is the most beautiful thing anyone can do. Yeah your stomach will get bigger but you will still be the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on and let's not forget about your breasts will get bigger too." I told her as I knelt down beside her as I watched her with a fuzzy smile as she slapped my shoulder laughing.

"Thank you." She said as she wiped a stray tear away.

"There's no need to thank me. I love you so much and I keep falling more everyday." I told her with a soft smile.
"Anyway, I've got an interview today." I said as I walked away with our empty plates.

"What, who with?" She asked as she followed me into the kitchen.

"The community college. I'm going to start night classes to get my GED and hopefully figure out what job I'll be qualified for." I told her as I finished washing our dishes.

"That's amazing baby. I'm so proud of you." She said as she hugged me from behind making my smile wide. "What time is it? Do you need me to take you." She asked as I turned around to face her.

"No its fine, I'm be OK walking." I told her as I rested my hands on the small of her back.

"When do you think you will be able to start driving again?" She asked me softly

"Well I'm not sure, it's been a while since I've had an episode so I'm going to start driving short journeys with Colin." I told her with a gentle smile while she furrowed her brows.

"What about me. I can do that with you too." She said sadly.

"I would love that but I wouldn't want to risk having an episode while driving with you in the car with me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to you that I could've prevented." I told her honestly.

"But you're OK doing it with Colin." She asked as she removed my hands from her. Oh shit she's pissed

"Well it was his idea. I did mention doing it with you at first and he put it into perspective for me. So I said that I would do it alone and he told me that wasn't an option either. So he said he would do it with me." I told her softly as I followed her into the living room.

"So it's OK putting yours and colins life in danger. Did you not think about scarlett or me if anything happened to either of you." She spat at me while I just looked at her shocked. I just shook my head and walked out.

Lizzie's pov

I regretted what i said instantly and before I could say anything I watched as his face went through so many different emotions before her just walked out. I hated myself in that moment for what I said. It was insensitive, he's just trying his hardest to get back to normal. That's if he can.  It wasn't long until scarlett let herself in.

"Hey Lizbug, how's it going?" She said with a smirk which dropped when she saw me. "Hey what happened? Where's Y/N?" She asked as she rested her hands on my shoulders. I explained to her what happened while she looked at me with disappointment on her face and I dont blame her. "Really Lizzie, after all that he's been through to get better for you and himself."

"I know I'm a horrible person." I said as I held my head in my hands. I let the tears fall because I don't know where he's gone. The only thing I know about is the interview that he has. "Did you know about Colin helping him driving?"

"Yes i do and I totally support them. He's helping Y/N." She told me with a soft smile.

"He really cares about him doesn't he?" I said quietly.

"Yes he does. They're best friends." She stated with a smile.

"I need to find him and apologise." I said as I stood up.

"He will come back OK, just give him time. He went through a lot and what you said mightve just put him back a few steps." She said as she stopped me from going out while i just nodded. We both sat and talked for a while before she had to leave to pick Rose up from school so I decided to cook dinner for when he comes home. As i had it in the oven I went and sat on the sofa. I heard the jingle of keys in the door before it opened and revealed Y/N walking in. I rushed up to him and pulled him in for a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did." I cried into his chest.

"It's OK Lizzie, were good." He said as I pulled away slightly to look at him.

"So how did your interview go?" I asked as I grabbed his hand and lead him into the kitchen so i could check our food.

"It went great, I start next semester and hopefully will figure out what I want to do." He told me as he leant on the counter.

"That's amazing baby, I'm so proud of you. I know I don't say it enough but I am really proud of you." I told him with a wide smile.

"So when would you like to have the wedding?" He asked as he turned his full body towards.

"I never really thought about it. I don't know if it's best to have it after the babys born." I told him as I thought about it. "I want our honeymoon to be just the two of us without me being pregnant."

"Well we should tell your family about the baby." He said with a soft smile as he wrapped his arms around my waist resting his hands on my stomach with his head on my shoulder. I melted into his touch immediately.

"Yeah we should. We should have a family dinner and invited everyone and tell them." I said with a wide smile which he reciprocated.

"Do we have a doctors appointment ready for the baby?" He asked me.

"Yeah we do. It's next Wednesday at 2pm." I told him with a smile. "Are you coming with me?"

"Of course I am. I wouldn't miss it." He said softly. I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach going wild as I looked at him with love and adoration in my eyes. I pulled him in for a passionate loving kiss before resting my head on his.

"I'm so in love with you right now." I told him with a fuzzy smile.

"I love you too sweetheart." He said softly making my heart flutter at the pet name he hasn't called me in so long.

"Well come on, let's eat." I said as I plated up dinner as he grabbed us both some water. We both sat at the table and ate in a comfortable silence while sharing loving glances at each other.

"I think I might know what I want to do." He broke the silence as he wiped his mouth.

"What is it?" I asked as I rested my head on my hand giving him my undivided attention

"I think I want to become a teacher. You know teach kids and help shape their future. Help them get the best in their life." He said with a soft smile which just made me smile wide.

"So you would then be called Mr Y/L/N." I teased him with a smirk.

"Oh god please don't do that." He said as he shook his head at my antics.

"Why not sir are you going to give me detention." I teased as i stood up and slowly walked towards him.

"I might just." He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. This is going to be so much fun.

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