Chapter 80

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Wow 80 chapters in and still going strong. Hope you guys are enjoying this book

Y/N pov

Today I'm going to see Private Stevens parents. Lizzie had said that maybe it would help to see them. She also told me to take as much time as I needed. So I was currently sat outside there house in my car. This is the most nervous I have been since I proposed to Lizzie. I know I need this. Once I finally got over myself I dragged myself out of the car and knocked on their door. I was greeted by his dad.

"Hi I'm." I started.

"Staff sergeant Y/L/N. Come in." He said as he let me in. I followed him into the living room where I saw his wife.

"Please call me Y/N." I said softly as they both smiled at me.

"Please have a seat." His mum said with a gentle smile. I could still see the sadness in her eyes. "Would you like some coffee."

"Please." I said politely. "I'm sorry it took so long for me to visit."

"No that's fine. You suffered as well." she said kindly. "Jack told us a lot about you."

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. He was greatful to be taught a lot by you. He wouldnt stop talking about you whenever he called. He told us how you made him feel welcome like he had another family." his dad said as he handed me a cup.

"Well that's what we are. I've always been taught that the guys youre with in your unit are your family. Treat and protect them as such. And I'm sorry I couldn't protect him." I said as I stared at my cup.

"No you have nothing to be sorry for. You tried your best." His mum said softly.

"I could've tried harder." I said sadly as his mum took my hand in hers.

"He told me that you had a girl at home. The famous one from them marvel films." she said softly.

"Oh yeah that one that plays Wanda." His dad said making us both chuckle at his reaction.

"I take it you're a fan." I smiled at him as he nodded.

"Yeah, after Jack begged me to take him to see the first avengers movie we watched every single one after that. It became our tradition. The love I have for those movies grew because I loved seeing his face so happy." His dad told me softly.

"They are amazing films. Lizzie made me watch them because I had never seen them before." I smiled.

"You're engaged to her now though aren't you?" His dad said with a smile.

"Yeah, after what happened on the last tour I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. We just had our baby girl as well." I told them with a soft smile as I shown them a picture of both of my girls.

"She's beautiful." His mum said softly. "What's her name?"

"Freya Elizabeth Y/L/N" I said softly

"It's a beautiful name." She said softly.

"She's only a few weeks old and I would do everything I can to protect her." I beamed over her.

"You will always do anything for your own to protect them." His dad said.

Lizzie's pov

I spent the day with Freya, Scar and Rose while Y/N was out. I had no idea where he went but I know that he needs the break. He's been doing a lot for Freya and I non stop. He's got his graduation this week and I couldn't be more proud of him. He's worked so hard to get where he is and I'm happy that Freya and our future kids have a good role model that proves they can do anything if they put they're mind to it. We were sat watching Frozen 2 as per Rose's request as she lay on her stomach on the floor watching it. 

"So how's it been since having the baby?" Scar asked me softly.

"It's been amazing, Y/N has been amazing since we've been home." I told her quietly so we didn't disturb the queen of sass. 

"He graduates this week doesn't he?" She asked me.

"Yeah he does. Mum and I are both going with Freya." I told her softly.

"He's come a long way since he came home." She said with a soft smile.

"Yeah he has done amazing. I'm so proud of him." I told her honestly.

"Anyway, on to more important matters. Have you started to plan the wedding?" She asked as she turned her full attention to me.

"Yeah we have, we've picked out the colour scheme and the twins are designing my wedding dress and his suit. We've got to get the bridesmaids dresses and the groomsmen's suits and pick a date and a venue." I told her as I grabbed the file with everything in it. 

"So is it going to be a big wedding?" She asked me softly.

"No. We both only want a small wedding with our friends and family." I told her as we flicked through the file.

"I love the colour scheme." She smiled.

"Y/N picked the colours." I told her with a soft smile.

"Really? I didn't even let Colin near planning our wedding because he would've made it a circus." She told me with a laugh.

"I can imagine. He is a goofy character." I chuckled. 

"Well I've been waiting for this to happen since you were six months in to your relationship." She said with a wide smile.

"What do you mean?" I asked her confused.

"The way you both looked at each other, like they're the only person that you see and everyone else in the world doesn't matter. You both look at each other with so much love even back then. Since you met him at the club and you went out for coffee you had the biggest smile on your face and that was because of him. When he went MIA, it was like your whole world shattered. You lost a piece of yourself and when they said they found him alive it was like your world started to turn again." She said with a fuzzy smile. 

"Wow, I didn't realise we were that obvious." I said quietly. 

"Well I do know you very well, I've worked with you for long enough and been best friends." She said with a smirk. Before I could say anything Y/N came through the door. 

"Uncle Y/N!" Rose squealed as she ran to him for a hug.

"Hey Rosie." He greeted her as he kissed her head before he set her down before he walked over to me. 

"Hi sweetheart." He smiled as he gave me a soft kiss. 

"Hi baby." I smiled back.

"Hey Scar, do you want a kiss?" He teased her as she patted her cheek. he kissed her cheek making her smirk.

"Hey Y/N." She smiled as she pushed him away. 

"How was it today?" I asked him as he sat beside me.

"It was good. I surprisingly feel good." He smiled as he wrapped his arm around me.

"What did you do?" I asked him curiously.

"I went to see Jack's parents." He started. "I was really nervous all day but I needed it to be able to move forward with my life. They told me a lot more about him and he was a big fan of yours." He told me with a soft smile.

"That's good that you've finally done it." I told him with a wide smile.

"I feel like I've had a weight lifted of my shoulders and I don't feel like I'm drowning in guilt anymore." He said softly.

"You should be proud of yourself Y/N." Scar told him softly with a wide smile.

"I am but I wouldn't be where I am today without the support I've had off my friends and beautiful bride to be." He said softly making my heart flutter in my chest. I gave him a soft kiss before cuddling into him. "I love you."

"I love you too." I replied with a wide smile as I cuddled into my guy. 

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