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Dasom was thoroughly enjoying herself. She'd forgotten how enjoyable k-pop concerts were, particularly SM groups.

When they had switched back to performing the songs off their new album, Dasom found herself singing along to the songs she knew (like Line 'Em Up, Drip, and Wish You Were Here) and dancing (read: jumping around wildly) with Hyunjun doing the same.

The concert was definitely a lot more fun since she had Hyunjun with her. Hyemi had disappeared in the crowd but neither of them were complaining because it was her who had split off from them.

Every time Dasom was starting to forget about her Mark mission, she would catch random glances in her direction from Ten - whether they were meant specifically for her or not - and refocus. But it was in vain, because Mark was way too into the performances.

You say that like it's a bad thing Dasom, she told herself internally. This is his job, his stage.

Whenever the group stopped performing for commentary to take breaks between performing, Ten was always too far from Mark to do anything himself, but he did pointedly look over at Dasom many times, his eyes telling her that even he was trying. 

One moment, when Ten had just broken eye contact with her, he randomly flicked his hand to the left of the stage, which was her right.

She wondered if he was maybe telling her to move, so she switched spots with Hyunjun, telling him she wanted to move closer to that part of the stage and then inched to the right with him following her. Thankfully, she seemed to have read Ten's message correctly, because he easily found her again in the audience and smiled at her.

All this just to get some guy to notice me? This is probably what goes on in a delusional fan's mind at concerts. Whatever you're trying better work, Ten.

After that, Dasom let herself become completely distracted, because Baekhyun began performing UN Village, followed by Candy.

After all, she was still a loyal EXO-L even if it wasn't as intense of a level as a few years ago, so she definitely knew the songs by heart. She screamed her heart out as she sang along with him and the rest of the fans around her.

Kai followed Baekhyun's stage with his performance of Mmmh, which, as expected, left the entire audience dead. Everyone around her was losing their minds during the chorus, getting to see the body wave choreography in person. 

Then, the stage was quickly rearranged as Kai caught his breath while talking to the crowd with Ten, who had come back on stage to help him out. They were then joined by Taeyong and Taemin, and at that second, the entire crowd broke out into rabid screaming.

When she heard the intro of the next song, Dasom immediately understood why the crowd reacted the way they did. It was No Manners, the most sensual song in SuperM's discography. 

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