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Being paranoid on their trip was not something Mark or the others wanted. But seeing themselves start trending online because someone spotted them was not helping with that.

It was only after they got on the flight without attracting any attention that they all began to relax a little. Mark knew that Ten had managed to get a ticket on the same flight as Dasom, Nevaeh, and Kou, so hopefully he would at the very least go unnoticed by fans.

"Dude, this city is so beautiful," Mark said to Donghyuck in the backseat of the Uber, looking out of the window with fascination. "I don't remember anything about it since we were here nearly three years ago."

"I'm just glad we get to relax," Donghyuck replied. "Our schedules are gonna get crazy soon enough."

"Hey!" Johnny called from the seat in front of them. "No work talk allowed. I refuse. Let me be on vacation mode in peace."

"Okay, you're right," Donghyuck nodded. "I don't know what NCT is."

And that's what they all agreed with. For the next few days, none of them knew what NCT was. They were just a group of friends on a trip together.

"Our view is so sick!" Jaehyun exclaimed once they were all in their AirBNB. It was an penthouse apartment with two floors that led onto a terrace with a pool.

That can only mean one thing, Mark thought as he took in the view of the Eiffel Tower peaking up over all the buildings from the terrace. We're gonna be put to WORK once we're back.

But Mark set those thoughts aside for the time being. Like they all agreed, he wasn't going to think about work.

"Wait, we do have to think about work," Doyoung said suddenly, contrary to what Mark had just decided. "We have to vlog, remember?"

"Fuck," Jaehyun sighed. "I suppose we gotta film picking our rooms then."

So, the five boys went back downstairs and played a game to choose rooms, and they had to fake it all so it ended with Mark, Doyoung, and Donghyuck having their own rooms while Johnny and Jaehyun shared one.

"Wait, so am I allowed to show Ten hyung on camera or not?" Donghyuck asked the rest of them.

"Who cares? Just do it," Johnny shrugged. "If the editors don't want that then they can deal with it."

"Yeah, but just be careful not film anything even remotely related to Desi, Nev, and Juhee once they're here," Jaehyun added.

"I think I'm gonna nap until the others get here," Mark decided.

None of them were really morning people except Doyoung, and despite most of them also sleeping on the flight, they all retired to their rooms to relax on their own.

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