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okay, we're back to our regularly scheduled slow burn!!

this picks up from the end of chapter 46 so if you read the bonus chapter, erase it from your brain now lmao

this picks up from the end of chapter 46 so if you read the bonus chapter, erase it from your brain now lmao

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"I think I might fall for you."

Dasom was rendered speechless by Jaehyun's words.

Jeong Jaehyun, the man whose friends knew him as somewhat of a womanizer, who she'd known for just a few months was telling her he might end up catching feelings for her.


"Desi, please say something," Jaehyun prompted her.

"You mean..." Dasom started. "Romantically?"

"Yeah, that's what it feels like," Jaehyun confirmed.

Dasom's heart was racing faster than it had ever before. She knew that she had been slowly falling for Jaehyun too, but she'd never thought about it too deeply since she had convinced herself that he didn't feel the same way, despite people telling her Jaehyun was treating her much better than he did the girls in his past.

Not to mention, she was nearly over Mark too.

And there was a wonderful man right in front of her telling her he has feelings for her, and it would be criminal to let him go, especially knowing how exceptionally he treated her, and how vulnerable they were with each other now.

So, before she could change her mind, she leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips, and as she did, she felt him smile against her.

"I might fall for you too Jeong Yuno," Dasom revealed when she pulled away, and Jaehyun's toothy grin grew even bigger.

Without another word, Jaehyun closed the space between them again, and the Dasom dissolved into his touch, the two unable to hide their relief and happiness anymore.

* * *

When Dasom woke up, she was instantly blinded by the morning sun, squeezing her eyes shut again. Feeling like she was still lying down with her hand across Jaehyun, she quickly opened her eyes again, seeing that she was on his bare chest yet again.

Whoa, did we really fall asleep outside?

Then, the events of the previous night came back to her, and just thinking about it made her blush.

But... what are we now?

There had been no more conversation that night, so Dasom was left without an answer.

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