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Mark and Dasom stayed on the beach for another half an hour talking and watching the sunset in front of them. When it started to get dark, Mark stood up.

"Come on, we should probably head to Itaewon so you're on time for your set," he said to Dasom.

"Yeah, I need a little time to get ready," she agreed, and Mark offered Dasom his hand, pulling her up off the ground. They picked up all their empty plates and wrappers, and headed towards a trash can to toss them before they could leave the beach.

As they walked, Dasom noticed that Mark's steps were significantly slower than hers. She wanted to dismiss it as him just being relaxed, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

When they started to leave the beach, Mark really started to trail behind Dasom, and she kept glancing over her shoulder at him, slowing herself down to match his steps.

"Yo dude, are you okay?" she asked him, scrunching her eyebrows with worry.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I—" Mark stumbled a little and almost fell into the sand, but Dasom caught his arm and tried to hold him up. "Whoa."

"Mark, what's going on?" Dasom asked, slinging his arm over her shoulder. "You're looking tired, how did I not realize earlier?"

"I feel like I just need water and I'll be good," Mark said, but he was starting to feel heavier against Dasom.

"Dude, if I let you go you're going to fall, aren't you?" she asked him.

"No, I'm not," Mark said, but his voice sounded dry. Dasom loosened her grip on him a little, and Mark's legs immediately began to give out, so she grabbed him again.

"You're definitely dehydrated," Dasom figured, trying not to show panic in her words. "We gotta get you help. Wait here."

Before he could argue, Dasom pushed him softly to the ground and ran off towards the nearest cart, hoping she could buy water there. At the same time, she took out her phone, asking the person working the cart for the name of the nearest hospital.

She bought two water bottles and then went back to where Mark was just sitting on the ground with his head hanging low, booking an Uber to the hospital as she jogged towards him.

"Here," Dasom said, kneeling in front of him and opening the water bottle. She lifted his chin and put the water bottle to his lips, helping him drink it. "I booked a cab to a hospital."

"Not... necessary..." Mark rasped, pushing her hand away. "We gotta get to your bar."

"Boy, can you shut up and let me be the one to help you for once?" Dasom asked him, pulling him up off the ground again. "We're going to the hospital, and that's final. Try your best to walk, please."

never not ✧ mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now