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The next morning, Mark was so deep in sleep that he didn't hear the constant ringing of a phone. However, Dasom - who had fallen asleep leaning against her bed frame - did hear it eventually and opened her eyes. To her surprise, when she looked down, she saw Mark sound asleep, resting his head on her lap with her arm draped around him. 

"What the fuck?" she whispered. "When did we fall asleep?"

She had no time to think about it though, because her phone was still ringing from the projector that was still set up on her nightstand. She reached over while trying not to disturb Mark and picked up her phone, only to see that it was a call from Jaehyun on KakaoTalk.

Reluctantly, she answered the call.


"Desi, finally," Jaehyun sighed from the other end of the call. "Is Mark with you?"

"Yeah, he is," she replied. "We're in my house."

"Fucking hell, why isn't he answering his phone? We've been trying to call him."

"His phone died I think."

"Well can you get him on the phone now?"

"He's fully asleep."

"Okay, then wake him the fuck up. He has a job, he needs to be at practice."

"Oh fuck," Dasom said, getting worried and shaking Mark slightly.  But the sleeping boy didn't move. 

"Yeah, Johnny, Yuta, and I covered for his ass saying that he wasn't feeling well in the morning so he slept in," Jaehyun explained. "But he really needs to be here so please get him out of your house ASAP."

"Okay, okay, I will."

"So, he slept over?" Jaehyun asked. "Did you have fun with him in the night."

"Shut up Jae, it wasn't like that," Dasom said, slipping her legs out from under Mark's head. "I'll make him leave, bye."

"Bye Dasom."

Once Jaehyun cut the call, Dasom sighed and got out of the bed to try to wake Mark up. How was he sleeping through all of this?

"Marker, wake up," she said, shaking his shoulder. 

Resisting her in his sleep, Mark just rolled over to face away from Dasom.

"Okay, I'm pulling out the big guns," she warned, grabbing her pillow. She raised it high and then slammed it down on Mark's body. "MARK LEE, WAKE UP!"

"Yo, what the..." Mark stirred at the impact and finally opened his eyes. He turned back around and saw Dasom standing there, holding a pillow like she was ready to hit him with it again. "Holy shit, did I fall asleep here?"

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