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"Actually, my name is Mark."

She saw Mark standing above her a small frown on his face because she'd mistaken him for Jaehyun

"Oh sorry dude," Dasom said, sitting up and checking her phone. "Whoa, it's 4:30? I was out for a long time then. Where's everyone else?"

"I left early because I managed to finish the work I had faster than I thought," Mark explained. "But I made a stop before I came here."

He produced a shopping bag from behind the couch and placed it on her lap.

"I had to guess your size but hopefully it all fits," Mark said.

Dasom opened the bag and pulled out a simple black crop top and baggy wide legged blue jeans.

"Wait, you got this for me?" she asked him, holding out the jeans. "Thank you so much, but what for?"

"I went shopping for myself and remembered that you said you need to go home and change before work," Mark explained. "Now you don't, and you have more time to hang out."

"You wanted to hang out?"

"We haven't in a while."

Dasom smiled. She couldn't believe he bought her a whole outfit just so he could spend time with her.

Wearing jeans without underwear though... oh well, it is what it is. She could buy some on the way and change at the bar.

"I have three hours then," she told him. "What do you wanna do?"

"You haven't eaten lunch, have you?" Mark asked her.

"Nope, I slept the whole time pretty much," she answered. "You?"

"I just ate a salad so I'm basically starving," he replied. "Let's get food then."

"I can Uber Eats us something," she suggested, picking up her phone.

"No," Mark said, and Dasom looked up at him in confusion. "Let's go out."

"Are you serious?" Dasom asked.

"I hate always having to hide when I hang out with you," Mark told her. "If you went out with Ten, you can with me too."

"That literally ended with articles written about it," Dasom reminded him.

"Don't worry," Mark assured her. "There's a cafe some of us like that doesn't get too many customers. We can go there."

So, after Dasom changed into the clothes Mark got for her, they ended up going to a cafe that was a quick five minute walk, faces covered with masks until their food arrived. Luckily there were only two other tables being used with just one person seated at both.

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