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When Dasom woke up the next day, she was so groggy she didn't even bother sitting up. Her head was splitting in pain from a hangover that she hadn't seen coming. So much for drinking as much as she wanted to without feeling it in a hangover. To be fair, she didn't even remember how much she drank, she just knew it was the most she'd ever had at one go.

How the fuck did I manage to make it home in one piece? she thought, pulling the covers up higher and turning to her side.

When her eyes focused, she saw a man with his back facing her asleep on an air mattress on the floor, making her snap awake and bolt upright.

That's when she finally realized that this was definitely not her room like she'd initially thought.

She looked down and saw that she was wearing a large white tee. When she lifted the duvet, she saw that she had black sweatpants on that were definitely way too big for her.

She looked back at the one asleep on the floor, unable to make out who he was anymore, since he'd pulled his blanket over his head.

Too scared to make a sound by leaving the room to check where she was, Dasom decided to close her eyes tight and try to recollect the events of the previous night, though it hurt her brain even to think.

The last thing she remembered was hanging out with Mark for the New Year's countdown. When he'd let her go after their hug, they immediately started dancing again, hyped up at that point, with some of the other Dream members joining in.

"Wait, wait... whoa," Mark had said, suddenly bending to the floor, and Dasom kneeled down to check on him, worried.

"Yo, you good?" she inquired, placing a hand on his back as the other three boys watched, also concerned.

"Yeah, I'm just tired," he said, standing back up. "I think I need to sit down for a sec."

Leaving the boys behind, Dasom directed Mark to the nearest couch, and the two of them collapsed onto it, Mark with his arm on the head of the couch behind Dasom. She sank lower into the comfort, leaning her head on Mark's shoulder, not realizing how tired she also was until that moment.

"Wow, I'm beat," she declared, closing her eyes.

"Yo, don't fall asleep on me D," he said, shaking his shoulder lightly to make her open her eyes, which she'd already done when he dropped another nickname on her. It made her heart giddy, even if it was just a single letter.

"I'm not, I'm not," she said.

"Hey I was gonna ask you," he began. "You were hanging out with Lily for bit earlier, right?"

A feeling of slight dread rose in Dasom upon hearing the girl's name from his mouth, taking away the carefree mood she had been in.


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