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"Ayo Seattle!"

There he was.

This time, Mark was alone on stage, and Dasom knew it was time. The music started, and while it was a little different from what she had made, she knew it was going to eventually transition into her beat... she hardly even had time to calm down after witnessing the Lee Taemin perform right in front of her.

Dasom had no intention of recording the performance because she knew someone else would upload it on YouTube. Instead, she decided to take photos of Mark along with one short video clip when her beat was playing.

Mark was insane. He was made to be on stage. Every other solo performance featured backup dancers, but Mark was able to swallow the whole stage up with only his own presence. It was an experience Dasom would never forget.

Goosebumps covered her skin when he looked right at her for the lyrics she had put over her beat. From his stare to hearing her music blaring through the concert arena, Dasom felt like she was going to burst from all the adrenaline.

Everyone around her was screaming for Mark while dancing, but she was left standing still in awe. When the verse ended, he turned away with a smirk and moved to another part of the stage, making Dasom snap out of it and continue to enjoy the performance while dancing.

She was dancing to her song. To his song.

To their song.

What a rush.

"One step, double step, this boy goin' too fast," Mark rode the beat, closing up his song. "One step, double step, this boy too fast, Seattle!"

Before the other members joined him on stage once again, Mark looked up and yelled into the mic, "Merry Christmas!"

Those two simple words reminded Dasom of their conversation when she had said he could think of the beat as an early Christmas present.

Was that meant for me?

The remaining couple of songs and the three encore songs went by in a blur to Dasom. All she could think about now was how Ten planned to get her to meet Mark. She needed to tell him how impressed and proud she was of him. She needed to really see him, and talk to him.

"That was so fucking fun," Hyunjun exclaimed, shouting into her ear over all the screams and cheers once the members had made their final exit. "I'm so glad we came."

"Honestly? Me too," Dasom agreed, smiling so much that her cheeks were starting to hurt. "I'm glad Hyemi's annoying ass forced me into this."

As they started to file out of the concert hall, Hyemi found her brother and step sister, joining them but not bothering to talk to them about the show. She was just yapping away to anyone else that would listen to her, so Dasom tuned her out.

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