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By around two in the morning, a majority of Dasom's friends had left her apartment. Most of them were totally sloshed.

Hyemi had gone to the guest bedroom to crash with her brother, and Donghyuck had passed out at the dining table. People had tried to wake him up, but he was so deep asleep that they'd just left him as he was.

The only people left awake and sitting in the living room were the foreign swaggers group chat, with Doyoung taking Ten's place, since nobody even knew where he and Kou had disappeared off to.

"Man, the six of us are never gonna be in one place, are we?" Johnny said, he and Jaehyun still somehow able to drink wine. "Stupid simp Ten Lee."

"It's fine, we have a resident Donghyuck anti among us since Doie's here," Nevaeh said, snuggling into her fiance's arm.

"Can't you two just get married already?" Dasom whined from her spot on the floor next to Mark, who seconded her. "I need more interesting things to happen in my life."

"Neither of us have that kind of time right now," Doyoung sighed.

"It'll happen when the time is right," Nevaeh added.

"Doyoung," Jaehyun spoke up. "Come on, pick your groomsmen right now."

"The fuck?" Doyoung said. "Why would I do that now?"

"The real question is, why not now?" Dasom asked. "Nev already picked her bridesmaids."

"Wait really? Who are they?" Doyoung asked her.

"Can you guess?" Nevaeh challenged him. "Let's see how well you know me."

"Um... definitely your cousin Ahri," Doyoung said after thinking for a bit. "I'm guessing Dasom since she helped me so much it would be rude not to include her. I can't think of a third though, you have a lot of close friends."

"You're right," Nevaeh smiled. "I might ask Karina to be the last one."

"You guys are that close?" Mark inquired.

"Yeah, we hit off as soon as I became her main makeup artist," Nevaeh confirmed.

"See? That was easy for Nev," Jaehyun said. "So you pick too Doyoung, even if it's temporary."

As Doyoung thought about it, everyone had their eyes on him, paying close attention.

"Okay, definitely Gongmyung hyung," Doyoung decided as the first, and everyone acted like that wasn't surprising.

"Who?" Dasom whispered to Mark.

"His older brother," Mark answered. "He's a pretty famous actor."

"Oh dang, talented family," Dasom commented.

never not ✧ mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now