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Focusing on the movie was incredibly difficult.

Dasom couldn't lie, Mark was driving her crazy and he didn't even seem to take notice of it.

It was the little things: the way he brushed his dark hair back, the way his hands felt when they held her waist, the way he got flustered whenever she said something flirty to him, the way he was so comfortable around her now that he just walked out of the bathroom after a shower only in shorts and nothing but a towel hanging around his neck, and finally, the way he kissed her better and better every time.

It all drove Dasom insane because Mark was so fucking hot and the fact that he didn't know that about himself made him all the more attractive in her eyes.

Once this week was over and Mark was no longer sleeping in her bed, it would feel empty, of course. But, at least Dasom was going to have a lot more freedom to take care of her own needs.

Do NOT fucking let your thoughts wander Desiree Han, she cursed herself on the inside, refocusing her eyes on the screen.

But it was no use. Even while watching the cute romantic montage on the screen, Dasom's imagination was running wild, only being able to see herself and the boy sitting next to her as the two characters on the screen.

It was Mark and her that were at the beach. It was Mark teaching her how to ride a motorcycle. It was Mark getting her ice cream from a cart. Hell, it was even Mark and her getting dowsed by the filthy water from a puddle as a truck drove by them. It was Mark with his hands around her waist as she drove them back home so they could change out of their wet, ruined clothes.

As the characters on screen turned back to normal in Dasom's eyes once they were in the bathroom, she realized she needed to get out of Mark's grasp. Ben might just be showing Andie how the shower works, but since she knew exactly what was going to come next, she knew she absolutely could not stand to be in her boyfriend's hold since her thoughts were already racing wildly.

Mark turned to look at Dasom when she slipped out of his grasp. Figuring he would be confused, she just pretended she needed to stretch, raising her arms and legs, stretching them out. So, Mark turned his attention back to the characters who were now having a heartwarming moment.

But again, he looked at Dasom, who was now sitting with an inch of space between them, and Mark quoted what the man on the screen had just said a second ago.

"Smile," he said, and Dasom looked over at him blankly. He wondered what was going on in her head. "Come on, give me a smile."

As the characters on the screen kissed, Dasom gave Mark the same stupid smile that Kate Hudson had given Matthew McConaughey. Except in Mark's eyes, Dasom was way cuter.

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