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Dasom was going insane.

Mark been so caring when Nala had passed, not leaving her just as he had promised until she felt much better. Taking the tag off Nala's collar, he suggested that she should make a necklace or keychain out of it, which she thought was a great idea.

Afterwards, he'd also stayed and helped her and her father with the burial, even suggesting they plant something in the spot as a memorial.

Mark really was such a thoughtful person; Dasom admired that about him to no end.

And then there was the way he had comforted her. He had pulled her on to his lap to hold her, and she felt warm in the inside just thinking about it. That, to her was the most intimate moment they'd ever shared, but she didn't mean that from a flirty or sexual perspective. That, along with the way he said he would never leave her?

It just felt like pure love.

Which is why Dasom was going insane. It had been more than two weeks since she'd last seen Mark.

He'd gotten busy with the repackage comeback that happened a few days after Nala's passing, so really, all she had seen of him was from repeatedly watching the Hello Future music video—she actually loved the song a lot, it was NCT Dream's best in her opinion.

That was beside the point though.

To his credit, Mark had been messaging her here and there either privately or on one of the group chats, but other than that, he was pretty MIA to her.

"What happened to 'I'm never going to leave you' huh?!" Dasom complained, punching a couch cushion. "Liar."

"Girl, don't take your anger out on my cushions."

It was Nevaeh. Dasom had practically ran over to her house when her frustration had peaked.

She'd shown up with no warning at nearly eleven in the night, but thankfully Nevaeh was awake and understanding. She'd listened to Dasom's entire recount about everything that had happened after Nevaeh and the others had left her apartment, putting Ten on video call so he could listen in as well.

"If you were literally in such close contact in his lap," Nevaeh commented. "How the fuck did y'all NOT end up kissing or something."

"Bitch?!" Ten exclaimed from Nevaeh's laptop. "Pardon the trauma trigger Dasom, but Nev, are you kidding me? Her cat just died and was lying next to them... what the fuck kind of first kiss would that have been?"

"Oh... right," Nevaeh said, feeling slightly embarrassed. "That was dumb, my bad Desi."

"It's okay, but it's not even just that," Dasom explained. "Nothing felt particularly romantic while we were the moment, it was just so comforting."

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