part 18

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Your P.O.V
After getting off his lap and throwing my shirt on I walked to the tent. "Uh whatcha doing?" Kenny asked.

"I'm getting ready for bed duh," I spoke mid arranging the blankets and bags around the tent.

"I said I wanted to go fishing later so we are doing that c'mere," with that be grabbed my hand and walked to his truck. While hearing my protests he picked up his fishing gear. With that he lead me away from the campsite. I was about to refuses before he look me in the eye tilting his head to the side with the signature Kenny smile, he classic 'do what I want please' face. I scoffed and followed his foot steps.

"It's pitch black and you want me to walk down a rocky hill that ends with water? Are you a murderer?" I asked in pure amazement on how dumb he thought I was.

"You trust me," he says while walking carefully down the hill with his phone flashlight. I quicken my pace to make sure I can follow his foot steps.

"You better not get me killed," I mumbled while scaling down the hill. A fell rocks fell from my feet almost causing me to slip but I seemed to always catch myself.

After a few slips from both of us, we both made it near the water. He leaned his fishing pole on a big rock and placed his bag on the ground. He opened his bag and brought out a towel. "For you m'lady," he spoke in a charming accent as he laid out the towel for me to sit on.

"Why thank you," I laugh. I sat down on the towel and took my shoes off, letting my feet rest in the shallow water. I leaned back and looked at the stars.

"The stars are always beautiful here at night, it's away from the city so it always pops ya know?" he questioned, I hummed in response still staring at the stars. "Crazy few months we've had huh?" he spike again.

"Yeah, never thought I'd ever have that much drama in my life," I sigh, shifting to get more comfortable. Kenny passed me another towel to cover me. I smiled at the fact he thought about me being cold. He threw his line out and started his process of fishing.

"You never told me what happened when I was suspended," he glanced over at me.

We made eye contact for a second before I turned my glaze elsewhere,"huh I guess I haven't." I let silence fall between us.

"Can you?"

"It's a lot to process but sure, it's all over now anyways," I mumble the last bit.

Kenny's suspension your p.o.v

The day after the agreement was made with Clyde I showed up to school in shame. All I heard in the halls was gossip.
She's with Clyde again, apparently it was just a rumor she fucked Kenny. I don't believe it.
The pretty girls always get what they want.
Clyde is only in it for the looks, nothing but a pretty face.
Can't believe Kenny is friends with her still.
How is she still whoring around with all the guys?
What a slut.
Every word hurt. Everything was coming back. I quickly opened my locker just so I could push through my day. "Hey babe," Clyde spoke.

I turned around flashing the fakes smile I possibly could, "hi hun."

He leaned in and whisper, "be nice or I'll confirm their thoughts." I shallowed at the threat and nodded. I flashed the realest looking smile I could. "That's better. Keep it that way, now come on gotta meet up with Bebe and Kyle."

Kyle? What the fuck what going on with Kyle. I panicked as I thought of everything that could possibly reason why we are meeting with them while they are together.

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