Part 11

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Reader 2nd Person

"You really didn't need to fight him," you spoke in a soft tone, lightly scolding your friend. Currently dragging a wet clothe along his cheek to clear a wound he opened up.

"And he didn't need to be a bitch," Kenny spoke with a glare direct straight into your eyes, telling you to drop it.

You huffed in annoyance but dropping the topic. Once again you repeated what you did the night before. Cleaning up all the wounds he got. He still chose to keep to himself about the injuries he maintained while at home, but you didn't want to push. "We'll talk more about it later. Now quit moving your face, I need to get the one under your eye," putting your hands on his shoulders, he stilled.



You hopped up onto your bed, getting closer to the wall. You quickly grabbed the remote, to the TV, that was placed on the covers. Turning on f/s for both of you to watch. "This again?" he asked. Looking at him, you gave him a pouty face. Once you saw his face soften you looked back at the TV. He saw this as an opportunity. Picking up the pillow, he tossed it at you. Hitting you straight in the head.

You sent him a glare as he gave off a goofy smile. "Fucker," playfulness dripped from your voice as you turned back to the TV worried to miss a second of it. He wasn't satisfied with the reaction, so once again he picked up the pillow and threw it at you. "Quit it," you said, not looking away from the TV. He threw the pillow at you again, this time getting a reaction. "You can't rough house, your injured," you feigned worry, " So, fucking sit down and pout to your self." The venom in your tone left him shocked, yet he listened to what you said.

He flopped in the bed making it and you bounce. His face was stuffed into the pillow he was hitting you with. He groaned and whine like a child, still not gaining your attention. He moved constantly, just trying to get you to speak. None of what he tried worked. He got an idea to get attention. He moved over, move gently than before, and placed his head on your thigh. His head was turned to the TV as yours was looking down at him.

His hair was fluff and practically calling out to you, so you carefully combed your hands through his blonde hair. He hummed as he smiled to himself, happy to finally get attention. Your fingers were laced in his hair as you smiled down at the blonde who was now focused on the TV. Losing yourself in thought, you mindlessly started playing with his hair more.

God do I hate the fact he got hurt for me. The bruises from the other night were still on him, yet he still got in a fight with my ex? What the hell is this guy thinking?

You sighed, trying to calm your thoughts.

I'm glad he is okay yet I can't help but feel bad at the fact he did this for me. He is genuinely caring, to the point he needs help. He has always been sweet. Ever since I moved here, he has been nothing but kind. Hell, it's the reason I fell for the guy in 8th grade to freshman year. I might still have feelings but I don't want to get myself into a hopeless situation again.

This time you sighed sadly to yourself as your hands soothed the blond from his own thoughts.

*his thoughts*

Hm, attention. Honestly see why people think we are dating I mean, she is combing through my hair right now, and I'm kinda flirty. Shame, she could never like me like that. Her mind seems to be on a loop of Clyde. She doesn't need the stress of her best friend liking her, someone whom she doesn't like back.

Gently, you removed your hands from his hair and snuggled into the blankets, growing tired because of your relaxed state. He pouted for a moment before falling into a completely relaxed state, the same as yours. He cozied into the blankets as well. Both of you drifting into a peaceful sleep.

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