Part 3

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Your P.O.V

With the warm smile we gave each other I take a glance outside my window. I notice rain racing down the window. Kenny seems to see my gaze switch off him so he follows and looks outside. I smile thinking about how much I love rain. I feel the bad shift and look over at the boy that was now holding a hand out to me. "Care to go for a dance in the rain?" he says in a fancy tone causing me to giggle. I take his hand as he races down the stairs with his hand locked in mine. I couldn't help but giggle at his actions. We reach the front door within no time.

I see him grab the door handle, opening it. "Did you forget that we are in P.Js, or are you too excited?" I giggle. He looks at me like the I'm the dumbest person alive.

"That's the point dumbass," he says as he pulls me into the rain with him. The span of my driveway is filled with a mix of his laughter and mine. I let go of his hand and jump in a huge puddle making his bottom half to become completely soaked.

"Oops?" I hold back a laugh raising my arms innocently. He smirks leaving me with confusion before I see his figure take a stance showing he is about to run. I widen my eyes as I see him take his first running step to me. I quickly turn and run to the other side of the car. He stands parallel to me and ducks. I giggle as I can no longer see his figure. I look at both of my sides constantly waiting for him to get me.

After a minute he didn't appear so I look over the car, standing on my tippy-toes, to see the other side. I heard a laugh as his body appears ready to get me. I quickly run until he backs me into a corner made with the car and garage door. I stand my ground waiting for him to come closer as I could then take my chance and try to juke him out and run next to him getting away. With thinking of my plan, he slowly comes closer to me. I take a glance and noticed his soaked clothes sticking to his body, and his hair sticking to his forehead. I smile brighter than before at the sight. I shake my head mentally and see my chance to get away is in front of me. So I book it!

I ran between the car and him. Yet my plan didn't fully work. While I was running he put his arm out ready to stop me. I didn't see his arm until I felt it stop me and pull me in. He holds me in his arms, looking down at me. "You're the biggest dork," I laugh at his words, he smiles before suddenly he grips me closer and jumps, taking me with him. He lands and the huge water puddle that was on the ground splashed us at impact. If the rain didn't do enough already, Both of our bodies being fully soaked by the fallen rain. I squeak as he lets me go. I look down till I look back up at him.

"You just soaked yourself?! Was it worth it?" I laugh out the question.

"I am already drenched thanks to someone," he speaks with a playful voice. I laugh louder knowing he was having as much fun as I was. He takes my figure back into his hold. I nuzzle my face into his chest. I feel his hands land lightly on my own moving mine to his shoulders. He then placed his hand and my waist and starts swaying. I look at him confused. He gives me a soft smile before leaning down to my ear before softly speaking, " I asked to dance so we are."

"That is the most cheesy, corny, cliche thing ever," I say looking him in his eyes.

"We can stop if you want," he spoke slightly letting go.

"I never said I didn't like it," I say with a blush covering my face, probably going off unnoticed because of the cold. He smiles softly before resting his head in the crook of my neck. We sway in the rain for what seems like an eternity. The moment in his arms I make sure to make a forever memory.

Kenny and I are dancing in the rain. A moment my young heart always dreamed of. Kenny pulls his head off my shoulder to look me in my eyes. We stare into each other's eyes. Seeming to be pulled into each other as we lean closer in. Once we are 2 inches away I pull myself out of his grasp and sneeze into my arm. Kenny lets out a booming laugh as I look back at him embarrassed. "I guess that red face is either you becoming too cold or your blushing again," I feel my face become a darker red at his statement, "Heh I guess it's blushing. But let's go inside before we get sick."

We head inside as I beat myself up for ruining the moment. He walks into the closet next to my bathroom that has towels. He returns to me and hands me one. I take the towel and dried myself off a bit while walking to my room. I go through my drawers and take out pants I stole from him as well as a shirt that just so happens to be his too. Once I find clothes for him I find clothes for myself. I walk out and hand him his clothes telling him he should take a shower. He gives a goofy smile as he nods going to my bathroom.

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