Part 12

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*Time Skip, two months*

Reader 2nd Person

It's May 20th, a hot, humid day in South Park, Colorado. You were currently leaning out of Kenny's truck window, attempting to cool down. The soon to be summer heat was horrible. Being used to the cold for winter and most a spring, made this especially hard. Today was a Saturday so you had no doubt today was going to be an amazing day. The whole group was going to the lake for a boat day. All of you put your money together to rent out a boat and a Jetski. Kenny's truck was hauling the Jetski while Stan was hauling the boat.

Kenny, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Wendy, and you were in separate trucks waiting at the doc to get the water vehicles in the water. Kenny and you shared his truck while the others were crammed in Stan's. Food and drinks filled the coolers that were in the boat, the same with the floaties, lake toys, and waterskiing equipment.

"What's taking so long?" you whine.

"We are literally next up," Kenny laughed. You let out another pout which he just ignored. Soon enough your prayers of getting the Jetski in the water were answered. Kenny backed into the water which you hopped out of the truck to help direct him. He jumped out of the truck after putting it in park and helped untie it. Once untied you climbed up into the Jetski and drifted into the water before starting it and waiting for him to park the car. Stan's boat was there as well, waiting for Stan to get back.

The two boys walked to the end of the pier, with the stuff that was packed into the back of the trucks, and hopped onto their chosen vehicles. Stan went onto the boat as Kenny shuffled onto the Jetski behind you. After you all settled you looked at each other to discuss plans. "Follow us into a cove, then we relax there?" Stan spoke out to confirm. You gave a nod before starting the Jetski and slowly took off. Going 5mph till you reached out of the no-wake zone, you decided to talk and pass time.

"Nice to have a lake day before our last final hm?" you hummed.

"Yeah, I think we all needed it after the drama with Clyde," Kenny replied.

"I certainly did, at least I don't have to fake date that loser anymore," you laughed.

"Yep, now you can date whom you like," he spoke and you could only imagine the smirk he had on his face, "Whom do you like anyway?"

Your face flushed red as you heard his question. You pressed your fingers down on the throttle and sped up the Jetski, finally out of the no-wake zone. Kenny fumbled around before griping down on the seat, trying not to fall off.

Stan's boat was next to you going around 30mph. You slowed down from the original 36mph to a good 20mph. You turned around the Jetski and chased the wakes that were left behind their boat. Hitting a jump you went a solid 4 feet in the air. Laughing as you landed, you turned around and followed behind the boat. Driving through waves or jumping over them was amazing.

Soon enough Stan found a cove we all liked and let down the anchor, holding the boat still. Once close enough to the shore, Kenny hopped off and grabbed the jetski's anchor from Stan's boat and helped latch it to the ground and the Jetski. Once it was secure, you jumped into the knee-high water. You shuffled through the mud and climbed into the boat to relax.

"Keeeny!" Cartman squealed. You looked over for a moment before starting a conversation with Wendy. "Did ya fuck?"

Kenny gave off a look of confusion before replying, "We were on a Jetski, you can't fuck on a Jetski. Plus we aren't even dating, the fuck is going on in your head?"

"Kenny, you know fatass and his fantasy," Kyle spoke out.

"I AM NOT FAT," Cartman yelled. You heard this part of the conversation so you looked out to see a fuming Cartman, a laughing Kyle, and Kenny.

You smiled at the boys, mainly the blonde who was holding his stomach laughing. "Have you told him yet?" Wendy whispered.

You turned your head to face her before replying, "How can I? Literally we've been best friends for forever, I don't want to ruin the friendship."

You gave each other a sad smile before you broke eye contact and got a drink out of the cooler. Your f/d was now in hand as you looked at Wendy again. "You obviously don't see the way he looks at you," Wendy spoke, "So man the fuck up and stop being a pussy, tell him."

You gave a surprising look as she smiled deviously at you. You gave out a small, nervous laugh before sidestepping away. You watched her start a smiling conversation with Stan as you bumped into someone. You moved your gaze and look at the blonde. A blush covered your face as you felt Wendy's stare at you. Kenny was looking you in your eyes, questioning why your face was so red.

You averted your eyes and walk to the edge of the boat, setting your drink down beside you as you looked at the water glistening in front of you. Sighing you took off your over shirt and shorts, showing your f/c bikini. You sat down and put your feet in the water and you watched the small waves hit your feet.

The content was spread through you as you relaxed and closed your eyes. Drowning out all noise besides the calm noise of the water. Kenny noticed your calm state and smiled to himself. As you were sitting you started thinking of how thankful you were to be in this place right now.

Words: 1,000

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