part 19

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Your P.O.V

Kenny and I sat in silence for a while while he wrapped his head around the whole story.

"So that's why you and Kyle were so close?" He suddenly asked.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"You were distant from me and it was weird for me," he mumbled. I smiled at his statement.

"Sadly I was kinda forced to. Clyde always complained about you and the public image," I laugh.

"Glad it's all over and I have my best friend again," he smiles while looking at me.

The past two months

When Kenny got back, he was shocked I was still with Clyde. He pushed and begged me to end whatever the two of us had going on. But after each if his pleas, I refused. Whenever I was with Clyde, Kenny would be glaring at both of us as Clyde smirk each time he noticed, only pulling me closer. Kenny seemed to pick up on the fact that I didn't want to be with Clyde just like how Kyle didn't want to be with Bebe. Anytime Clyde spoke to someone near Kenny, it would end in the two fighting in one way or another. I was always forced to defend Clyde as well. Each time I did. I saw Kenny's heart break a little more.

Currently I was sitting on Kyle's bed going through my schoolwork while Kyle was in his desk chair.

"I can't be the only one who has noticed how uptight Kenny has been, right?" Kyle suddenly brought up.

"Um I guess he has been stressed. He has been fighting with Clyde a lot," I mumbled not looking up from my work, trying to not worry more about the blonde than I already do. "I haven't talked to him lately so I wouldn't know."

"Wait what?" Kyle sat up straight as he questioned, "You haven't been talking or even texting him?" I shook my head no, still not looking up. "Dude your probably breaking his heart," he spoke.

I sigh and look up at Kyle, "I don't know what to say to him, like I can't tell him much about Clyde and Clyde doesn't want me near him."

"You need to stay in contact with him still, I don't think any of this is worth it if you loose your best friend and ya know, crush," Kyle says standing up, walking over to me.

"Stup up about the crush thing, Red said it literally a month ago. Also I won't loose him, we will find a way to get through this shit as quick and harmless as possible," I sigh as I watch Kyle take a seat next to me and pull me into a side hug.

"This whole thing is unfair for you. I'm still having good connections with everyone while you, not so much. Like I still have Red while you are forced away from Kenny, it's fucked," Kyle huffs.

I laugh, "What part of this whole thing isn't fucked." My phone digged. We both looked down at my notification. I sighed when I noticed it was from Clyde. I opened the text in Kyle's view.

Clyde: your not with Kenny right?
Y/n: no, why?
Clyde: your not home. If your lying remember what I can expose

I scoff, "I'm so done with his shit."

"Well do you want to end all of this shit now?" Kyle spoke.

"And how would we do that smartass?" I huff.

"I've been plannign this for a while, and I finally have enought dirt on them. So we should blackmail them back, it's simple let me text him," Kyle says. I hand him my phone and he starts typing away.

Clyde: your not home. If your lying remember what I can expose
Y/n(kyle): you can literally only expose a lie
Clyde: don't test me
Clyde: I'll tell everyone you cheated on me with Kenny
Y/n(kyle): when you cheated on me with bebe?
Clyde: that doesn't matter they will believe me. After all they see you as the school slut, and I'll confirm that too
Y/n(kyle): all of it would be lies and you know that
Clyde: I know and I don't care.
Y/n(kyle): thanks for the proof dick

With that, Kyle screenshots the messages. "You did not just do that," I say laughing. I pause my laughter, "wait what about Bebe's blackmail on you?"

"I can just take a screenshot of the sext messages she sent too, fight fire with fire ya know," he smiles. I smile back and fall on the bed in relief.

"WE ARE FREE!" I yell while kicking my feet.

"Be quiet you dumbass," Kyle laughs. This time, his phone dings. "Bebe texted me that things are over. Fucking finally. Also Red texted me asking to hang out. Imma start getting ready to see her."

"Ooh someone has a hot date," I laugh and my phone dings again, "Red texted me about it just now, she is excited. Break her heart I break you."

He huffs as he searches for he wallet and keys, "Yeah yeah I know, I'll need to give Kenny the same talk."

"Give me what talk?" Kenny speaks. Kyle and I both snap our glazes to Kenny who is now standing in the door.

"Nothing man, what are you doing here?" Kyle asked ask he sprays cologne on himself.

"Didn't want to be home and the regular person I hang out with wasn't there," Kenng glares at me as he speaks backhanded words about me. I look at my shoes not knowing what to say.

Kyle gives you a knowing glance before patting Kenny on the back, " I was just bout to leave to see Red, you guys should hang out. Talk to you guys later, also close the door when you guys leave so Ike doesn't get in. And no fucking in my room," Kyle says as he rushes out the door.

My face goes beat red and the last sentence he spoke. I let out a small giggle before I realize that Kenny is still standing there staring at me, "hi?"

"You've been busy, and ignoring me," he says in a monotone voice.

"About that, um I just haven't known what to say to you. It's clear your stressed and don't like me with Clyde for obvious reasons. You've been fighting him a lot so I thought you'd be mad at me too for some reason," I sigh, "finally I'm free from Clyde though, I finally got blackmail back-"

"You're done with Clyde?" Kenny inter-ups me.

"Yeah I-"

"Fucking finally," Kenny says happily as he rushes to hug me. I laugh into the hug as he sighs in relief. "I missed you, more than you know."

"I've missed you more," I say as I kiss his forehead.

After that day things with Clyde and the whole drama slowly died down until it seemed like nothing even happen. I ended up have to post the screenshot of my conversations with Clyde on social media to show the school it was all blackmail. Kyle never had to show the sext messages though. He felt bad that he got out without harm but I took all the damage, but I didn't mind. I would feel horrible if he did get dragged down with me after all.
After a long two months of drama, I was free from it all. On a camping trip with my best friends.

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