Part 14

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*Present Time*

Reader P.O.V

I stared down at my hands, going through all the memories of the past 2 months. Suddenly I got pulled out of thought as a pair of hands wrapped around my stomach and swiftly picked me up. Once I realized who it was and what they were planning, I panicked.

"Kenny! Don't you dare!" I squeal, pulling at his hands. I was enjoying the warmth of the sun and didn't want to be forced into the water. At my pleas, he simply laughed and he stepped to the edge of the boat. I now gripped onto him, knowing that was the only way for me to get away with anything beneficial. "Kenny... no," I spoke as he lifted a leg and wobbled on purpose.

I screamed and he jumped off the boat, with me in his arms, in the cold water. He let go of his grip the second he hit the water. Having the freedom I swam up and took a deep breath of hair and wiped my h/l hair out of my face. Once having my eyesight back, I glared at the blonde laughing boy. He ran a hand through his now wet hair and had his eyes shut in laughter.

Everyone on the boat was laughing at us too. I tread the water as I stare angrily at the people who didn't help me. Stan seemed to have an idea, as he had that devious smile. Wendy suffered the same fate as me. Stan picked her to put and jumped into the water next to Kenny and me. All while yelling, "Cannon Ball!"

Wendy got to the surface of the water a spoke out, "fuck you." This made everyone laugh harder than before. Wendy and I pouted at the people who threw us in but quickly got over it. Soon enough Kyle joined us in the water, the only person not was Cartman. He claimed that it would ruin his tanning.

The group of us in the water just talked and laughed. Sharing memories. Eventually, I went to the boat and got floaties for Wendy and myself. Now I was floating next to Kenny as I talked with the others. "So Y/n, how are you holding up after what Clyde did," Stan asked out of completely nowhere.

Kenny shot him a glare, and Wendy scolded, "Stan you can't just bring that up. We're here to have a good time!"

"It's fine. He is just checking in he didn't mean any harm," I defended him. Wendy dropped the scolding and looked at me with sad eyes. I gave a light smile before continuing, "I'm living so I would say I'm holding up pretty good."

He gave a slight nod at me with a sorry expression on his face. After that, we all split into different conversations. Wendy, Stan, and Kyle in one as Kenny looked at me staying silent. I felt his eyes looking at me. I was laid on my back as my arms laid I'm the water.

"Y/n," Kenny's soft voice broke me out of my trace. I looked up at him only to see his eyes looking at my wrist.

I looked where he was looking. Red marks littered my skin as well as faded scars. Some healing from me slicing a blade across not even a week ago. I moved the direction of my arm. Now out of sight, our eyes met. His eyes were shaking as he scanned my facial expressions. Soon he scanned my body for any other obvious marks.

He stopped his gaze on you and moved it to look around. "Guys!" Kenny called out to get people's attention, "N/n and I are gonna go on the Jetski." Everyone gave a nod as I looked at him confused. Kenny looked back at me and tilted his head towards the Jetski. He offered a hand to help me get out of the floaty. I thought I'd be graceful without his hand but I ended up choking on water.

After struggling to get my breath we swam over to the Jetski and hopped on. Him now in front and controlling the vehicle. He started it up and we went away from the group with a few waves.

After cruising on the Jetski for a bit he randomly turned it off. "What's up?" I asked in confusion and looked over his shoulder to see if we had run out of gas.

He turned his head to the side before speaking, "move back." I wiggled the seat until I was at the end of it. He suddenly swung one of his legs to the other side. The Jetski swished in the water, adding a puddle into the place put feet were set in. He swung the opposite leg back over the seat and was now facing me. The Jetski now calm down and I just looked at him confused at what the hell he was doing. We sat in silence for a bit before he spoke, "Why didn't you tell me?" He was looking at my wrist and it was obvious.

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