Part 9

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Your P.O.V

"Are you coming?" I asked the blonde that was just staring at me.

"Uh yeah," he mumbled confused out of his damn mind. Once he got fully in the attic and sat down, I pulled up the latter and shut the door. The space was small and in order to fit I had o stay sitting down. The space was small in all and just had boxes, dust, and webs everywhere. "Let me start, What the fuck?" Kenny broke my concentration and made me look back at him.

"It's my cozy spot, where I go when I skip class," I look at him with a stupid smile. Completely trying to avoid talking about the dreaded topic of the playboy.

"Not that you dipshit, Clyde," Kenny glared at me. I looked down disappointed in myself and unsure how I wanted to answer. "What did he say to you?"

Again I was lost for words. He seemed determined to get an answer. He waited for me to speak as he kept his worried expression. "I- He-," I stuttered. I paused my words and took a deep breath and decided it's best if he hears it from me. "Promise not to hate me? Or think I'm dumb"

He looked at me confused, "Why would I hate you?" He ended with a small laugh that made me realize he thought I was joking.

"Promise you won't hate me," I looked him in the eyes sill terrified to lose my best friend.

"Yeah, promise," he looked at me now with worry. Waiting for me to speak. He shifted his body to look at me.

"He said he would tell people," I took a deep breath before continuing, "Tell people that I tried to sleep with him, to gain his love..." I played with the rips in my jeans. After a long silence and look at Kenny. His glare was focused on the wall. "You hate me don't you?" I ask, sadness evident in my voice.

His eyes shot over to me the second he heard my voice. "No! Just I- Fuck this," he stuttered before he stopped completely and ran his hand through his hair. "You were going to fuck him just so he would love you again?" Kenny asked as he looked at me with pity. I gave a small nod. "Wow," he sighed again. Thinking the worst I avoided looking at him. "You're fucking stupid," he laughed in obvious pain. I looked up at him surprised at his choice of words. "You never sleep with someone for that reason, my god. You sleep with someone because you want to, and it will make you happy. Not to get someone out of it, especially trying to gain affection. You are fucking beyond stupid," Kenny finished with another sigh.

He shifted and went next to me. I was still frozen in place, completely confused. He sat next to me and lightly pulled my body so I leaned my head on his shoulder. His hand rubbed my arm in an attempt to make sure I knew he was there till the end. "Thank you," I sigh in utter relief.

"What else did he make you think? Cause you have to be keeping stuff in there," he lightly poked my head. A smile traced my lips as a small giggle fell from them. "Might as well tell me now, you know I won't judge you," he sighed, "If you really don't want to you don't have to."

"No, I'll tell you. You deserve to know," I muttered.

Am I really doing this? After keeping my mouth sealed for so long. Will he pity me? Where do I even start? I've been pretty pathetic during the whole relationship. I was literally begging for his love and affection. God will he be disappointed after he finds out. He was already disappointed at what I told him already. His view of me is going to change.

"So I- Ugh where do I start," I rubbed my temple with the pads of my fingers. "Fuck. So basically I was begging for his love the whole time," I pause looking for more words.

"Clearly," Kenny mocked, earning a slap on his arm.

"As I was saying," I glared at him. I put my hands down and started playing with the fabric on my jeans. Finding words to say. Kenny gave me a gentle squeeze on my shoulder. Making me feel safe, calm, happy, unlike Clyde who made me feel uncomfortable, forced, replaceable. I let out a long sigh, "After the first week of our relationship we, well he, drifted a lot."

"After the first week?! You dealt with that for a year?" he questioned and leaned forward a bit to look you in the eyes. Which you avoided.

Continuing where I left off I started to speak, "The relationship basically went to shit. Whenever I came over he never talked and was only on his phone. When texting he asked for nudes constantly, and I said no. Whenever I said no to anything it leads to a fight. I'm glad I kept saying no to the nudes, god could he ruin my life if he had them. Whenever I was at his house he tried to get me to go things. Eventually, I gave in. I gave him head.." I sighed purely ashamed. I left his body tense for a second and freeze. After a moment he continued rubbing my arm. I'm glad he doesn't hate me yet. "I never let him see me, I did the most I could to make him happy while still keeping my morals. He never made me feel comfortable so I didn't do anything. And that pissed him off to the point," I paused and held back tears, "he slapped and pushed me. He never hit me so I'm glad about that, but he still abused me. He also called me a slut and a tease. Many more words too, but I pushed those out of my mind. Y-You know the rest."

"Fucking hell," Kenny sighed before he shuffled and went to the hatch. He pushed it down before I grabbed his sleeve in fear of him leaving me. "Relax I'll see you tonight," he spoke with a smile, eyes still on fire in anger. With that, he dropped down and walked out of the door. Coming to my senses I scurried down and point the latter and hatch up. I opened the door and saw no one in sight.

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