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Rated R*

“You have to take a rest, now, Robbie”

“I don’t think I can…” the agent spoke “Lay here, with me?”

She sadly smiled, quickly joining him “It will be ok. Ed already tracked her”

Robert nodded “It is not her that worries me… I am just…” he looked down “… bad things keep happening and I just wonder if I’ll ever…”

“Shhh! Hey, don’t” she hugged him, tightly “Stop, don’t even think that. It is not true” She caressed his face “I am here, how is that a bad thing?”

“It is not! That’s not… that’s…” he gulped, holding her tight, stopping himself

“You need a rest, Robbie, I’ll be right here” she kissed his lips

“She is not going to take her, you know.” He whispered, looking at the ceiling “She just wants to deliver her to me”

Belle raised her eyebrow “How can you be so sure?!” she basically snapped “Robert, she took you away from me! She blew that place up knowing we could possibly still be there!”

Robert frowned “Wait-what?!”

“She set bombs all over, when she was planning the escape” Belle explained “Yes, she did help us coming out, but, deep down, she had to do it, because the only one she truly wanted to take out was you.”

“She blew that up? I thought…” Robert’s jaw dropped “I thought something happened and it just exploded! I thought… oh, sh*t…” his fists clenched “How can she…” he looked down “I am such an idiot… stupid, f*cking stupid…”

“You are not Rob…” Belle hugged him tightly “You have been through too much, baby” she caressed him “And you were kept locked up, over a month, after a beating like that, with no medical assistance…” she kissed his cheek “You got me panicked”

He sadly smiled “I already took some antibiotics” he spoke in a whisper “A month?”

Belle looked down “I lost notion of the time, as well”

He looked down, leaning against her shoulder as she held him against her “They did not hurt you, did they?”

“No, they did not” she whispered

He took a deep breath “Why is it…”

“Shhh, sleep now.” She caressed him “Relax”

After all realized Emma was nowhere to be seen, Robert immediately knew she had gone without him, after he made himself way too clear, the previous night.

Of course, he could not be sure if she was just leaving to live her own life, or if she was heading straight to get his daughter, as she kept promising him.

Either way, after reuniting with the group, he knew where he had to go. He knew where is daughter was, finally. He could not lose her again. She had escaped his grip the previous day already.

He had to get her.

Ed immediately tracked Emma, just in case, and, by then, they made sure she was also heading to the US. None of them were sure about the former director’s location, which would not be a hard thing to get, according to Ed. But, given the circumstances, following Emma seemed to be a easier way.

Belle, however, wanted to make sure that they got to her, before she could get Diane herself. She feared of what Emma would do if she ever got to have Diane first. Blackmail? Require Robert for herself?

Aphrodite (RDJ / Scar Jo)Where stories live. Discover now