Not an easy task

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Third Person’s POV

“Hey there, sleepy head” Belle smiled at Robert, who was still having a hard time believing she was really there.

His hand moved to touch her face “You are real, I am not going delirious” He whispered

“How are you feeling?”

Oh, but there were many other important thoughts going through his mind. “H-How… are you here? Why…” he interrupted himself and looking away.

He felt ashamed.

Ashamed of not remembering the previous events.

“Well, it took a lot of time and determination to find you, Agent Reilly. It seemed like you did not want to be found” Belle smiled at him

“I’m… I’m sorry… I’m so sorry” Robert whispered

“Oh, Robert…” She caressed his face “Why did you start drinking again?”

Robert gulped, knowing how bad he had just disappointed her “I… don’t know…” he whispered “I… at first I went to Paradise Island… but then… the memories were so many.” He looked away “So I decided  to come here. But still… there are memories all over. And then… I could not stop thinking of…”

You. He wanted to say. He was not sure if he should, though.

Belle looked at him, sadly, as he continued “I am so sorry, I disappointed you, Belle”

She pulled him into a tight hug “Why, Robert? Why were you alone all this time? You did not have to be alone!” She kissed his cheek “You are so good looking”

He let himself melt against her touch “You know I want no one… well, no one else…” he whispered “I can’t believe you’re here…”

Belle hugged him tight, not able to say any other word. Of course she would not be just fine, if Robert had found himself some company from other lady. She would not. But she could never blame him if he did. And, even though she was glad he did not, she felt so bad to know he was alone all this time, when he could have been with her. Even if anything happened… she would have not let him drown himself in alcohol again.

“You told me I knew where to find you and…well, I found you” she kissed his cheek “And I will help you Rob, I am not letting you do this to yourself”

His eyes widened “No… you cannot stay… I… this is… You are now free, Belle. To do whatever you want. Please do not get stuck with me, I am… just a living corpse…”

“NO” she snapped “Do not even dare to say that!”

His eyes widened, mainly because he could see her in the verge of tears

“Belle…” he caressed her face, closing his eyes.

He knew… he knew how horrible everything had become.

He knew how, in the first time, he was able to stop drinking. But now it was different.

It was something that spread over the time. It was nothing simple to let go anymore.

He could feel his own body asking him for a toast already.

“I am not leaving. I am staying right here, with you” She whispered “I don’t care whatever you got yourself into. You are not alone anymore. You should have never been, Rob… I’m so sorry”

He raised his eyebrow “Oh, do not be a fool, ok?” he half smiled “You made a obvious and wise decision, Belle. I just, back then, felt like I should not let you go without telling you”

Aphrodite (RDJ / Scar Jo)Where stories live. Discover now