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Third Person’s POV

“I never got to ask you how this part year was, for you”

His calm voice startled her.

Belle was in his kitchen, calmly getting some breakfast ready, since it was still very early in the morning.

Truth was, she could not sleep, at all.

Seeing Robert in that state did not help at all.

“Please… Belle” he begged her, last night. “God… please…”

Shaking, sweaty and definitely, not sober.

It killed her to know he was not himself anymore, whether he was drunk or not. The abstinence of alcohol made him go delirious.

But when she turned around, that morning, to see him at the door of the kitchen, he seemed Robert again.

“Hey…” she softly spoke “Good morning”

He looked down, and slowly approached her “I’m sorry about last night. I… wasn’t myself I guess”

“It’s alright, Rob… I just…” she took a deep breath “I want to help you”

He showed her that gorgeous smile of his “Hey, you are here.” His fingers touched her chin, making her look up at him “What better help could there be?”

She looked away, but let her head fall into his chest softly. She could not help it anymore. It was as if his arms were the only place she wanted to be.

He smelled so good. Belle could feel that usual amazing scent of his. She bet he had just came out of the shower, his hair was still slightly wet.

“Are you feeling better?”

Robert smiled with his eyes closed “I feel good. I do not feel weird at the moment. Neither craving for… well… yeah”

She smiled “The year was… awkward”

The agent looked down at her, raising his eyebrows as she continued

“I don’t know. I felt amazing I was back home, with my family. I could not ask for anything else. I just… it became so monotonous, after a while. I was missing Claire… Zoe… you… so much. It was not the same anymore. After what happened, it would never be the same. And I just could not stand there and pretend to go back to normal. It killed me. I can never go back to normal”

He smiled “Normal is boring, anyway”

Belle looked up at him as he continued “You do not need to be stick to the past, either. You just... be where you feel comfortable and good. And you have to… create a new “normality” to you. Because normal is hard to define really. It’s just what you want it to be”

Belle smiled up at him. There he was. Robert.

Leaning up, she kissed his cheek “I am not stick to the past, either. Not so much, at least”

He smiled “Good”

“Feeling hungry?”

“I could use something to eat, yes” he whispered

“I invaded your kitchen, I’m sorry”

“Oh, it’s fine” he leaned against the kitchen counter, observing her cooking skills “I have thought of something”

Belle glanced at him “What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing. I  just…” he took a deep breath “Let’s leave here today. Go to the new Interpol’s basement. I’ll talk to Emma, it should not be hard to get a few information on Claire’s family”

Aphrodite (RDJ / Scar Jo)Where stories live. Discover now