Chapter 2

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Helping with my best friends wedding  isn't as existing as I thought it would be. Amber is looking for a green and white wedding and boy is it hard to look for any green wedding stuff.

"Well all I see is green chair covers and plates." I said.

I was on a call with Amber as she couldn't come and visit me due to her law exams. "I'm telling you Amber I haven't seen anything in an 'emerald green' color for the wedding stuff."

"Then we will actually go to the wedding store down town, it might be expensive but at least they might have something." She laughed out "Imagine if we did a yellow wedding."

Amber's favorite colour is green, she says it's a very exquisite color, that it shows wealth. She's always loved the shade, emerald. I guess she just loved the though of one day having a mansion and decorating it with the color.

"We all know Dean hates the color yellow." I laughed at her.

He says it's to bright for this world, that it's impossible to match another color with. In my opinion I think he's just dramatic.

"Well I think yellow is a very ravishing color." I said back with a smile.

"Hey Hannah, I have to go, I'm writing my learners exam now but I'll pop in later, is that okay?" I didn't have anything on today, I already finished with my profile and set everything back up. "Sure, and make sure to grab me a coffee when you come back."

"You know I would never leave you without coffee." I could simply hear her smirk over the phone. "Alright, good luck with you exam!" And with a thanks from Amber I ended the call.

"Now what can I keep myself busy with?" I decide on watching a movie.

I get my popcorn and put it in the microwave, while the popcorn pops I go get my favorite drink and snacks. I collected my popcorn and sat on the couch.

My favorite movie started playing but soon as it got to the beginning, my phone went off. It was another miss call from that number from yesterday. This time when I checked it it called again, and this time I answered.

"Hello, Hannah Williams speaking. " I said waiting for a response. "Hello Miss Williams, I am calling on my behalf of my boss. He saw your babysitting socials, he would like to arrange for you to come and appoint you to babysit his child on Tuesday at the earliest time you can?" A woman's voice spoke.

You were shocked, no one really came to you immediately and booked an appointment that quickly.

"Ya sure it's no problem. Will 8am work? If that's okay?"I asked.

I really didn't deal with this in a long time and choosing the time for someone else just made it even more nerve racking.

"More then perfect!" The woman said in a cherry voice.

"May I ask, whom I am speaking to for this appointment?" I questioned.

I couldn't take an appointment without knowing anyone's name, for responsible reasons you know.

"I am Kaylee, assistant of my boss, but you will meet him soon. Goodbye Miss Williams, I presume you will stick to the schedule." And then she ended the call.

What just happened?

For a second I might of had a tiny thought that it could be that mystery man but what in such a big world would he be able to find me. Or for a matter of fact why would he care about me?


After I put the appointment date on the calendar I finished watching the movie and waited for Amber to tell her about what happened and to hear about her test.

All of a sudden I was brought out my thoughts when I heard a honk in front of my house and got up to inspect.

I open my door to Amber standing in front of me with the coffees I indeed asked for her to get.

"Hey! How was the exam?" I asked as took one of the coffee she handed to me and leaded her to my kitchen island.

"You wouldn't believe the crap that asked me in the exam. There were questions that didn't make any sense and there were some that were level 1 questions, I was honestly going to break in tears or start screaming." She let out a laugh and I laughed with her.

She studied so hard for this test and I wouldn't be surprised if she got the whole test right. She's always been like that, she would study for a test a month in advance just to make sure she studied enough. Amber was always in the top 10 grade highest and I was proud of her.

"Don't worry I'm sure you will do amazing on that test, like you always do." She smiled at me and nodded, knowing that she will pass.

"Enough of the test what about you? What did you do today?" My eyes widen at what happened earlier on the phone call.

"Great you asked. You wouldn't believe it! I got a call after you left to write your test and it was for an appointment! You know the babysitting, and it was the most strange appointments made ever!" She moved closer holding her coffee tighter and nodded for me to go on. "Tell me what happened!"

"There was this woman spoke and said she was calling on behalf of her boss, and that they wanted me to babysit the boss's child on Tuesday at the earliest time possible, so I said 8! Then she said she presumes that I will 'stick' to the schedule."

Amber's eyes widen at my story, and I wouldn't blame her. Nobody and I mean nobody ever calls and speaks on their boss's behalf or even asks me to set a Date."This boss of them must be super busy or even important to not call you themselves."

"You know! So I'm going there tomorrow and it's kind of too soon and quick but I really don't have anything on my schedule so I just said yes, I should have asked more questions." I bring my head down and put it on my palms think about tomorrow.

"What if he is really important and I fuck something up?" I questioned myself out loud.

Amber laughed and put her hand on my arm. "Hannah, if anything you can handle anything under pressure, and your a brilliant babysitter! You handle kids well and I'm sure you won't fuck anything up tomorrow."

Then it hit me. The kid. "What if the kid doesn't like me! I can't handle a kid who doesn't feel comfortable with me!"

I looked up at her and she smiled. "Hannah! You are amazing with children and every kid loves you, don't worry you will do great tomorrow." I stopped worrying and listened to her.

She was right, for the time I've been doing this, I haven't had any troubles except for the kids who are either very aggressive or they just don't care about anything.

But it is nerve racking, with all the responsibility of a child in your hands. And when I started this as a part time I knew I wanted to do this or to do something with business. That's why I take business as a major, to help build what in doing now and maybe even open up my own coffee shop.

"You're right... You're right." I breathed. "I'm always right." She said back and we both laughed.


Amber and I talked a bit more before she had to leave again.

When she left I packed some bags of the stuff I always bring to the venue or house I'm babysitting at. I checked out everything in my list. "This should be right, I really need to sort out my priorities."

I showered and checked my calendar from my bed where I was sitting. "All set for tomorrow, let's just hope I'm ready."

For some reason I can't help but feel that this was different, maybe it was because of how they made the appointment but I'm guessing it's just how they do things. Let's see if this is any different.

And with that I was off.


Thank you guys for the love and support! And especially all the nice comments! They really make my day, I wanted to ask a few of you in advance if you all are looking for smutt or fluffy chapters? I'm not putting any in anytime soon but I just wanted to ask before I make any of my reader uncomfortable!

Anyway don't forget to eat and drink water!! Love you all!!

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