Chapter 4

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It took some talking to get Isabella comfortable to me, but soon enough she started talking to me.

"So Isabella, What do you want to do?" Normally kids would want to eat sweets and play with their toys all day, which made it easy for me as most of the kids I babysat also did the same.

But with Henry and Isabella, I've never seen such a quiet and well behaved child. So it was very uncommon to see her not go ballistic and search for any sort of stash of candy.

"Well, daddy would normally let me watch movies and bake a cake." She said looking around to the kitchen. Not knowing what type of cake she likes better, and not knowing if Henry would be happy about a cake standing on thier Island I stuck to the movie.

I crouch down to her level. "What's your favorite movie?" I said with a smile. She tilted her head and started thinking. "I don't know, I love all the barbie movies, you must come see my barbie dolls!!" She says like she had just remembered something. I laughed and followed her to her room up the spiral of stairs.

Her room was bigger than my own. It had white walls and black marbel flooring. Her bed was sitting near the window, it was a queen sized bed with black frames and a purple cover.

She had purple curtains and two hanging lights from each side of the room. In front of her bed was a small bookshelf that had several books.

She pulled me closer to her bed and there sat a purle box with her name on it. "This is where I have all my barbies! Daddy got them for me when he leaves." she said with her head turned to me.

She then pulls on the handle of the box and opened it up, and all I see are barbies stacked neatly with the a foldable playhouse sitting in there to. She took out the barbie with a pink dress that looked like diamonds. "This one is my favorite! She's from Barbie Princess Charm School!"

"Why don't we get the popcorn ready and watch Barbie Princess Charm School?" Her eyes lit up. "Yes!" She got up and pulled me with her after she put the barbie back in its place and took me down to the kitchen.

While she stood next to me helping to pick out her favorite popcorn I couldn't help but smile at how close we are getting and it's only been 1 hour. She picked out the popcorn and some sweets and we both layded it out on a tray and put it on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Hannah, can you put the movie on please?"

I nodded my head at stood up trying to learn how to work this TV. After a few minutes and Isabella laughing at my failed attempts, I got it to work. I put the movie on while getting the sodas she picked out and blankets from the closet.

When I came back with the blankets I saw that Isabellas focus was on the movie and only the movie, I smiled and laughed quietly to myself not wanting to disturb her focus. I put the blanket on both of us as we watched the movie.

I suddenly felt a warmth on my side and turned my head to look. I saw Isabella snuggling closer to me. This didn't feel awkward like how the other kids would snuggle closer to me. Isabella and I got along pretty well and I am happy for it to be this way.

I smiled and turned my attention back to the movie.



After watching a few more barbie movies of Isabella's choice we both were exhausted. I checked my watch to see that is was 8:37pm. I turned to see Isabella barley awake trying to finish the movie.

I laughed. "Isa, why don't we get you into bed?" She turned to me with her eyes closed and nodded. I left her on the couch while I cleaned up the sweets and popcorn that was seated on the couch and took the food tray back and put it in the dishwasher.

I finished and got to Isabella and saw she was watching me. I smiled at her and crouched down her level. "Bed time." I said with a smile. She reached her arms out to me.

I took her arms and picked her in my arms, she moved her arms to lay around my neck and I climbed to stairs and reached her bed room. I tucked her in and switched some of the lights off leaving her night light on.

Moving to her bed and giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight Isa." Her eyes shot open and pulled me closer to her trying to get me on the bed. "Please stay with me, can you read me a story?" I've never read anyone of the kids I babysat a story. "Which story do you want to hear?" She looked at me in the eyes and shrugged.

"Any story." Isabella said and snaked her arms around my middle and I pulled her to me and started telling her a story.

It was about a girl who had ran away from home and met a guy that was the prince of Jules Kingdom. He offered her to stay until she figures out what to do next. Until she falls in love and he falls in love with her aswell.

It was a story my mother had always told me when I was young. She had always told me to settle down and find a man to start a family with. I was always told that a princess needs saving and never the prince.

I watched as Isabella fell asleep, and noticing that that I was getting tierd to. I leaned down and kissed isa's forehead. "Goodnight Isa." As I was about to get up to get out of her grasp, her hand still stuck to me. Is struggled a little but gave up knowing that if I move her hands she would wake up.

I made a plan that before Henry came back I would get out of the bed, shower and wake Isabella. Sighing I made myself comfortable in her bed and fell asleep moments later.


I rubbed my eyes and sat up. The little bit of sun shining in my eyes. I groan and blink a few times to get my eye sight back from the sleep.

Soon as I could study where I was I remembered yesterday and the babysitting. I turned to try to see Isabella, but when I turned she wasn't there, and neither where the purple sheets you snuggled into.

I turned my head to see the rest of the room and realized I wasn't in the same room as I was before.

I was in the room Henry said I would be sleeping in. How did I get here?


Sorry for the long chapter updates, I literally just finished Credence by Penelope Douglas and it's such a good book!!

Anyways don't forget to eat and rink water and leaves comments!!

Love you all <3

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