Chapter 11

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The man in the black shirt turned to me.

Before I could get a glimpse of his face he was punched. It must have been the second guy, the one that was behind me pushing me. He then moved in front of me, ready to start a fight with the man in the black t-shirt.

The man in the black shirt recovered from the punch and got back in a proper stance, making sure that he had clear vision of both men in his sight.

"She's ours." One of the men said, both were standing at either side of the mysterious man.

"You sure about that?" The man said, as if I was an object they were bidding on.

"She doesn't know what she wants." Excuse me?! I surely do have a type and it's definitely not one of these men. What I do want is to go back home. I miss the smell of my candles and popcorn I'd make when I watch a new episode of 'Grey's Anatomy'.

"Well let me give you a clue, wait for her to say the word." The man in the black shirt said and moved closer to the man right in front of me.

He was trying to be intimidating, and to be honest it was working. He was taller then both men and was well built. His voice was stern but soothing.

"I say you better find something else to do and run away before I break both of your faces." Slowly both men backed up with hands just by their heads in the air. I saw the Blonde haired guys face, it had purple and blue bruises and a busted lip.

Both men went out the back door and I was faced to the back of the man in the black shirt.

He once again turned to me. I was now starting at his chest refusing to look up and find out who this man was and what he wanted.

He placed his hand on my lower back. "We need to get you out of here." The man said. The voice sounded so familiar.

I just have to look up. It doesn't sound like this man wants to harm me so I'm okay, right?

I moved my head up to finally getting a clear gaze on this man. Right then and there it clicked. My eyes widen.

Henry?! Didn't he have a meeting somewhere far away? How did he get here? Why is he her-

My thoughts were cut off when Henry started pulling me out the bar with his hand still on my lower back. We tried to make our way out, moving past everyone like you'd do in a maze.

My eyes widened more when I realized what I was at the club for. Amber. I stopped in my tracks and started truning in a 180° and 360° motion.

I could feel Henry trying to pull me away from the crowd of people.

"Hannah we need to leave, come on." He said but I still continued to look for Amber. I stood on my tip toes to get any higher ground.

"What are you looking for?" He asked with a confused look on his face. I looked for a little longer before turning to Henry.

"Amber, It is her Bachelorette party. I put it on-" I was stopped by Henry speaking over me again.

"On my calendar, I know I saw it." I tilted my head, So he did see it.

"Hannah, listen." Henry said and put both hands on the side of my shoulders. "We need to leave, im sure Amber will have company and will get home safe. I need to make sure your okay." He started moving me with him trying to get out of the club.

Before I knew it the cold air hit my face bluntly. I squinted my eyes, adjusting them to the brightened light.

I heard Henry talking to men. It must be his bodyguards because all I can see is blurred black suits. My vision came back and I saw Henry's body now turned to me.

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