Chapter 9

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When I got back to the house and walked inside I was met with Henry himself.

"How was the shopping?" He asked with his lips in a line.

"Hello to you to." I said Sarcastically as I started to walk to the dining table to put my bag down. "It was great, I'm so glad to see her happy about the wedding."

"Great, Hannah I have a contract that I want you to sign." He said and dropped the papers from his hands to the table.

Sign? Why do I have so sign it? I don't remember doing something that I had to sign a contract.

"What is it for?" I asked while looking through the paper. "You, it's a contract for you to work under me for a long term or short term. Meaning you can leave whenever you want and you can stay however long you want to aswell."

Now I have to think, and fast. I have to decide what I want in my future, either to lose my job and go back to my parents or I can work for Henry and stay at this beautiful house.

I took a deep breath and turned to look at Henry.

"So you will alow me to leave when I say I want to?" I said hesitantly. He confirmed my question with a nod.

I looked back down at the papers and grab the pen deciding my fate. The blank line where my signature should be written sitting empty, burning my eyes as the ever second passes.

I move the pen down onto the paper and sign the contract, moving fast before any regret can hit me and change my mind.

I put the pen down and move the papers back to Henry. His face stern. "Great, now that that's out the way I'm sure you need to go back to your house and collect a few things before moving in."

Moving in? Right, I work here now. I've been here for only a few days and if feels like so many opportunities are opening for me.

I got up from my seat and moved behind it. "I guess so, when can I leave to get my things?". I'll also have to ask about Isabella, if she goes to school or any other important information I need.

"We can leave now, I'll come with as well." He said and started walking to the door and I follow behind.

We walked to the black suv, with a couple of guards following and getting into other cars. Henry opens the door for me to get in. Henry gets in next to me and says the direction to my house to the diver.

As we drive in complete awkward silence my ears prick up to Henry finally speaking up.

"You haven't told me about your family." He spoke with his legs crossed and his head turned to me. I shift a bit not ready for the sudden question.

"I don't like to talk about them, not something I'm keen on." I chuckle trying my best to lighten the mood and keep the situation from escalating.

"Something serious I'm guessing." I looked back at the road. "Ya, trying to forget it." He hummed in response grtting the hint.

                              - - - - -

"Hannah, I won't speak again. You'll be forced into this and it's my decision not yours!" He said screaming in my face while mom was just feet away scared to interfere with the argument.

"I helped create you! And you are in my hands, so I will do what I want with you life!" He screamed and grabbed to back of my neck.

This was it, I knew where this would go. I was sooner or later going to die and I could do nothing to protect myself.

He shoved me against another wall and my knees gave in. I could see the worry in my mother's eyes. It wasn't her fault.

Thats when I finally knew there was no escape. This was how the rest of my life was going to be.

"Why are you doing this? You already have enough money." I said to him watching his mouth turn into a smirk and he laughed.

"Silly girl, the more money the more I'm happy." He said and got up. "Now leave and sort yourself out."

I ran upstairs to my suite and locked the bathroom door. I took a deep breath and look into the mirror.

I had a bruise coming from behind both sides of my neck where his hands had been.

It angered me how he couldn't just find happiness in the ones that love him, but then again he seemed to be the type of person who didn't believe in love and more in the thought of :money makes you happy'.

                              - - - - -

I shook my head from the horrifying memory. An ache in my heart struck but left as soon as i felt a sudden stop.

We were in front of my house. I got out of the car and Henry followed behind me. "I'll just grab a suitcase and get most of my clothes in, I'll go shopping for some soon." He hummed a response and started to walk around the house while I run to my room.

I grab the biggest suitcase I had and stuffed as much clothing and shoes as I could. I grabbed any extra essentials and headed back downstairs to find any other necessary items before I leave.

When I got down I saw Henry looking at the pictures on my fridge. I walked next to him and looked at the pictures myself.

The pictures were of me and my friends back in high school. Most of them moved away and lost contact except for Amber. I remember to all the parties we went to and the sleepovers we had.

Henry pointed to the picture with me and my old friends in a photo booth. "What's the story behind the photo?"

There really wasn't a story behind it, I guess Henry just wanted to hear more stories about my life. "There really isn't one but it was a Halloween Party my friends snuck me into. I had to drive them back home because they were drunk." I chuckle thinking about that day.

His gaze shifted to me and then back to the pictures, moving from picture to picture analysing every scene the photo held.

"Must have had a fun life as a teenager." He said, jealousy hitting his tone. My head lowered.

"Wish it was." I said softly, but apparently Henry heard me as his turned to me. "What do you mean?".

Life wasn't as easy when my dad made a deal. A deal that would forever change my life. "My parents." That's the only thing I had to say for Henry to understand.

We both looked back at the photos when Henry stood in front of me. "Ready to leave?" I looked at him to find his eyes already searching for mine.

I nodded. "Good, get in the car I'll get one of my guys to fetch it." I tried to say that it wouldn't be necessary but one of his bodyguards already had my suitcase in his hands and started walking out with it.

When we got in the car I took some time to think, and I guess Henry could tell because he didn't say anything during the ride back to his house.

What if my past comes back to haunt me? What if the deal my dad made somehow does come back to stab me in the back?


Hey readers!! Sorry for the long wait with this whole bug thing and my dad! He is fine he got medicine, the bug was stuck in his throat and he could feel it crawling around his throat and it but him. We still don't know what it is but we hope it dies soon lol

I hope you enjoy some personal drama ;) be sure to prepare yourself for the next chapters

Anyways make sure to drink water and eat today!! Love you all<33

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