The Plan

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A/N: Two things: 1) in a previous chapter I put "Asking Alexandria" when I realized I introduced Sleeping with Sirens instead haha so I fixed it just so you guys don't get confused!
2) I dedicate this chapter to NarwhalBurrito because she is FEATURED AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER AND SHE WILL BE IN THIS BOOK TILL THE END OF IT ^_^ I know it took forever but I was waiting for the right moment to bring you in so thanks for being patient :)

Emma's POV:

When we arrived at the buses there was a long white table with 28 seats around the table, and a big white board in front of the long table. It look like we were going to have a conference before loading into the buses and explains everything over Skype, which is what I had planned.

Vic ran up to me and handed me a dry erasable marker and a white cloth.

"We all decided to explain everything to them and decide our plan here. It would take too long over Skype... Sorry Em." Vic said with guilty eyes.

"Why are you sorry? I totally agree that this will be faster." I smiled. Vic smiled back and dragged me to the front of the table.

"Okay well let's all have a seat and Emma, Kyler, and the twins will explain what happened and what the plan is... Where's Jack?" Vic asked while looking for Jack.

"He will be here soon. He went to pick up his girlfriend." Alex said while putting away his phone. I guess Jack texted him or something.

"Oh ok. At least we can all meet her. Maybe she can help us too." Vic suggested.

"She would be able to help. She's awesome." Rian replied.

"Ok well let's get going." Vice exclaimed while clapping his hands.

"So.. Here is what happened.." Vinny started off as if they were telling us a story.

As soon as we got the rest of the guys caught up, we started our game plan.

"We were to arrive at Texas on Thursday during the afternoon. The show date was on Saturday... So we had to get Hazel on Friday because we obviously want her to see a show at least..

When we arrived on Thursday we were all going to unpack and meet in the lobby. Thursday was the day where we get our weapons of choice and Vice, Vinny, and Kyler were to meet up with Lucas to go back to Brad's house...

But I will be going with them as bait.

Kyler told us that Lucas has no idea of what Brad was doing, so him seeing me will already have Lucas on our side. When we leave with Lucas, the bands will slowly follow us to where they were keeping Hazel."

"Hold on a second." Mike interrupted.

"Yea?" I asked while I put down my marker.

"If you are going to be the bait... What if Brad tries to hurt you when you get there." Mike asked. I took a minute to think about it before I answered.

"I'm willing to get injured if I have no other choice." I confidently stated.

"Why? What has Hazel ever done that was nice?" Alan scoffed.

"I know she hasn't been the best sister, but I still care about her. If I have to get slapped or kicked a couple of times in order to save her, then I will. It's not like I can't handle it. I know what I am getting myself into and I am not going to back out now." I stated.

"Alright.... continue." Alan said while gesturing me to draw on the board.

So I continued.

"When we arrived at the tool shed, wait till all of us get into the shed. When we are no longer visible, surround the shed and wait.

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