Las Vegas pt 1

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We finally arrived in Las Vegas six hours later. it would have been five, but we made some pit stops.

The Hotel we were staying at was called MGM Grand. It was on a street where many of the Hotels were at. When we got out of the bus everyone went to check in.

"Wow. This is AMAZING!!" Hazel squealed. I had to cover my ears when she let out a high pitched giggle.

"Well. Welcome to Las Vegas!!" Vic cheerfully stated with his arms out wide.

When we entered the lobby there was a glass cage with lions in it. ACTUAL LIONS! My eyes widen once I saw it.

"Go check it out Em." Mike urged.

"Come on Emma." Hazel said while grabbing my wrist a little too tight.

Mike raised an eyebrow, but I gave him a fake reassuring smile. I turned to Hazel and she was dragging me to the glass cage.

When we got there I felt like I was being watched. I glanced around, but saw no one looking at me. Hazel turned to me and smiled.

"There are two cute guys looking at me and they are coming over here. Keep shut and let me work my magic K." She said. I mentally rolled my eyes and put my earphones on and looked at the lions.

Pretty soon there was a tap on my shoulder. I pulled my earphones out and turned around. I almost dropped my phone because this guy was seriously hot.

He had jet black hair, green eyes that were to die for, and a nice face. What surprised me was that he had snake bites and plugs. He looked like a hot, punky, skater dude. When I glanced at his shirt, he was wearing an Of Mice and Men shirt.

Oh yeah I like him even more.

"Hi.." He said while nervously rubbing his neck.

I just looked at the ground. What was I doing?!?! Oh yeah doing what Hazel said.

"I'm Lucas." He said while sticking his hand out. I shook his hand nervously.

"Emma..." I trailed off.

"So... PTV huh." He asked referring to my shirt with the guys on it.

"Yeah. So OF Mice and Men huh." I asked referring to his shirt.

"Yeah they rock. Im going to see them at Warped. Are you going?" He asked.

Before I had any time to respond I felt nails digging into my skin.

"Hey I'm Hazel. Why are you talking to Emma." Hazel sweetly said.

"I saw her shirt and I thought it looked rad. Why were you talking with my brother?" Lucas shot back. oh yeah I definitely like him now.

"I think your brother is hot. Problem?" Hazel snapped while gripping my arm harder. I winced, but Lucas didn't notice.

"No. Well it was nice to meet you Emma. Hopefully we can hang out." Lucas said to me with a shy smile.

"I doubt that." Hazel said.

"Well see you later. Oh and fuck off Hazel." Lucas said. He headed back to his brother, who high fived him when he was in reach.

"What a dick. You won't see him ever again." Hazel spat while dragging me towards the guys.

When we reached them Mike had an amused smirk and Vic looked pissed.

"Hazel, Emma, stay away from them." Vic stated through gritted teeth.

"What do you mean?" Hazel asked innocently.

"Stay away from those boys you were talking to. They are bad news." Vic replied.

"I actually liked the one Emma was talking to. Not the prick Hazel was talking to." Mike said with a smile.

"Brad is not a prick!" Hazel yelled.

"Huh he even has a name that screams prick." Mike laughed. Vic seemed to loosen up, but he still looked mad.

"NO boys. Got it?" Vic asked.

"You just need to worry about me Vic not Emma. She's too ugly to get anyone to look at her for more than five seconds." Hazel stated bluntly.

Gee thanks sis.

"Hey. That's it Hazel go with Jaime to the room." Vic snapped. Hazel let me go and went with Jaime.

"Show me your forearm." Vic stated when Hazel was gone.

I slipped off my sweater so my forearm was visible but my wrists weren't. I heard Vic suck in a breath at the deep fingerprints Hazel left me. They were deep and red.

"Wow how did those get there." I asked stupidly.

"You know how those got there Em." Mike replied.

I pulled on my sweater and out of the corners of my eyes I saw Lucas and his brother walk right passed us with there luggage. I briefly made eye contact with Lucas, but quickly broke it.

"So let's head to our room shall we." I asked while clapping my hands.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

Hazel's POV:

I saw the lions in the glass cage and wanted a closer look. For good measure, I brought Emma with me.

When we got to the cage, a guy my age caught my eye. He was looking at me and told something to the emo kid next to him.

For an emo, he was hot too. But the other one was hotter.

They started walking towards us and I whipped towards Emma.

"There are two cute guys looking at me and they are coming over here. Keep shut and let me work my magic K." I told her. Obviously they weren't looking at her.

Emma put her earphones in her ear and turned towards the lions.

"Well. My vacation just got better." a sexy voice whispered in my ear. I giggled and turned around.

The guy was hotter up close. He had blonde hair and green eyes. He had a perfect face and lips that I would kiss all day if I had too. He was wearing a flannel and a white wife beater. He also was wearing skinny jeans. He was one fine piece of meat.

"So did mine." I replied while smirking and looking him up and down.

"What's your name sweetheart?" He asked.

"Hazel. what about you sexy." I replied with confidence. He laughed and leaned up against the glass cage.

"Brad. What's your age sweetheart." He asked.

"What's yours sexy.". I said while flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"Sixteen." He said.

"Me too." I replied with a smirk.

"So what brings you to Las Vegas." Brad asked.

"I'm with my sister who is going to Warped. So boring." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Really? Same for me but my brother is going. He is talking with that chick over there." Brad said while pointing to wear Emma and the emo kid I saw earlier talking.

"We'll he just happens to be talking to my worthless sister" I started but turned to Brad, "Excuse me I have to fetch my sis but call me sometimes." I said while writing my number on his arm. I gave him a wink and walked towards Emma.

The emo kid told me to fuck off and Vic treated me like a kid and sent me with Jaime just because I talked to Brad.

Ugh my life sucks!

When I reached the room with Jaime I chose the bed next to the window. I started unpacking my bags when Vic came in.

"Hazel we need to talk."

A/N: more chaps to com! the pics is Lucas! COMMENT WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN! SUGGEST BAND MEMBERS TO BE INTRODUCED!VOTE! LEAVE CRITICISM(but be nice) ~Stay Hardcore

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