Las Vegas pt 2

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Emma's POV:

When Mike and I reached our room on the tenth floor, Tony was watching Family Guy and Kellin was on his phone. When we stepped in and closed the door they turned to us with smiles.

"Hey guys." I said with a smile.

"Hey Squirt. We need to talk." Kellin said while putting his phone away.

"Yeah. Vic and Jaime are talking to Hazel right as we speak." Mike said.

I walked over to the empty bed near the window and sat cross legged. I took a deep sigh and ran a hand through my wavy hair.

"What do you guys want to know?" I asked.

"Well. First tell us why you let Hazel beat you." Mike asks.

I sighed."I guess I feel like I deserve it. At first I would try and protect myself, but later one I just gave up. there really is no point in fighting if it doesn't help anything."

"Ok this is a good start. So now can you tell us what happened to you at nine years old." Tony asked.

"Um..." I started, "At the time we were in Chicago.The reason why Hazel and I are orphans is because my parents were killed. It was weird how it all played out though. One day, after school, my mother was taking Hazel and I to our music classes. I kept asking her if after practice maybe we can go to the park. My mom kept saying no because it would be late. I didn't get the hint, and kept asking. Hazel started yelling at me to be quiet and we got in an argument. My mom took her eyes off the road for one second, and the next thing I knew a car crashed into us." I started sobbing.

Kellin came and hugged me while I sobbed into his chest. When I was done I grabbed a tissue Tony handed me.

"Then" I continued, "two guys came and snatched my mom, but left Hazel and me to die I guess. I searched for Hazel but she was knocked out from impact. Soon the ambulance came and took us to the hospital. When my dad showed up, he asked me where mom was. I told him two guys took her. He went ballistic and stormed out of the hospital. Not even sparing us a second glance. He.Just.Left. The police came in and asked us questions. We were nine for Gods sake. How can I remember what the hell the guys looked like or what car they were driving.

"A few days later the police came back to the hospital. It was just Hazel and I alone. We lost contact with family because my mom and dad ran away together when they were teenagers. the police said they found my mom and my dad. We asked if we could see them, but they said that they were in heaven. we asked how, but they said we wouldn't understand till we were older.

"From then on Hazel blamed me for their deaths. She said that if I wasn't an annoying brat they would still be here. I believe her." Now I was balling my eyes out.

"What do you mean 'believe'?" Tony asked.

"I accepted that it was my fault that we crashed and my mom got abducted. because of that my father went and tried to find her. Everything is always my fault. I AM A WORTHLESS NO GOOD PERSON WHO SHOULD'VE DIED NOT MY PERFECT MOTHER! ITS ALL MY FAULT!" I yelled. I collapsed on the bed and cried my eyes out.

"Shh... no it isn't Squirt. You didn't know that would happen. You were so young and I am so sorry you had to go through that and it is awful how Hazel blames you for something that you could not control." Kellin said while rubbing my back.

"Yea Em. You shouldn't blame yourself. Your parents would not want that." Mike said.

"If I only stopped bugging her I could've avoided the situation." I sobbed.

"Dude you were a kid." Tony said.

"I just..... I can't..... I don't know what to do with myself." I admitted.

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