Filler Chapter

612 23 3

Emma's POV:

I woke up at three in the morning. I couldn't sleep because of the voice in my head nagging me.. BEGGING me to grab the stainles razor blade and drag right across my skin.

It will make you feel better it said.

"N-No..." I stammered.

Do it the voice nagged.

No my brain stated.


No it isn't. my brain said. But the voice was stronger.

Next thing I knew, I am on the bathroom floor kneeling over the toilet and emptying all the contents in my stomach. I threw up over and over again 'till my stomach was fully empty. I got up to brush my teeth and when i was finished I looked at myself in the mirror.

You are so FAT The voice said You should starve to get rid of that stomach.

"Stop...please." I begged while looking away from the mirror.

NO! Not until you cut the voice replied. The voice seems to get louder and louder.

"NO!" I yelled while putting my hands on my head and sitting against the door. Leave me alone

Not until you CUT....DO IT EMMA! the voice yelled practically in my ear.

"Emma are you ok?" Mike's muffled voice asked on the other side of the door.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine." I replied. Don't tell him about me. He will think your crazy.

"Ok." Mike said. I soon heard walking right after.

Until we meet again, Emma. the voice said. A few seconds later the voice, yet again, disappeared.

"No not again." I whispered to myself. Then there was a knock.

"Emma, it's Vic. Let me in." Vic said. I opened the door to find Vic looking like a wreck.

His hair was knotted and sticking out everywhere, and his eyes were red and puffy. He looked liked me except my hair was even crazier, since I was pratically ripping it out of my skull. I sit on the floor while Vic closes the door behind him. When he locks the door he sits directly n front of me on the floor.

"Who were you talking to?" Vic bluntly asked. I froze. Do I tell him? I thought. Then the voice rang through my ears.

"No one." I replied.

"I heard everything Em. I wasn't sleeping. I couldn't." He said while whispering the last part. I decided to tell him.

"I couldn't sleep either. I.... The urge is getting stronger Vic. After everything that has and is happening...I need to." I rambled. Vic took my head in his hands. His calloused fingers felt rough against my smooth skin.

"No you don't Em. We can get through this together ok. I want to too, but I can't. I won't let myself do it either. For you, Mike, and Hazel. I have to be strong for your guys' sake." He said with tears forming in his eyes.

"I don't know how much longer I can take of this Vic." I sobbed. Vic wiped away my tears with his thumb.

"We just have to wait. After Arizona we go to Dallas." Vic stated. I nodded and hugged Vic.

"We will be okay. Okay?" Vic said while pulling out of our embrace.

"Okay." I replied.

"Let's go watch t.v. It is already five in the morning." Vic said while getting up. He held out his hand for me and I took it. We entered the room and Mike was on his phone.

"T.v or food?" Mike asked.

"T.v because we should wait to eat with Tony and Jaime." Vic said while turning on the t.v.

Two hours later Vic, Mike, and I are laughing and talking about Spongebob. It was seven and Tony and Jaime haven't woken up yet.

"I am going to see if they are up." Mike said while getting up to leave.

"I will go too. My stuff is in there and i need to get ready for today." Vic said.

"Okay. I am going to start packing." I said. They nodded and left across the hall.

I grabbed my dufflebag and brought out what I was going to wear today. I got into the shower since I felt nasty.

After I finished my shower I changed into a plain white crop top, high waisted shorts, and a black kimono. I slipped on my black vans, band bracelets, and sunglasses. When I walked across the hall to pack Hazel's bag, my phone rang. I didn't look at the I.D so I picked up.

"Hell-" I started.

"You listen and you listen good. Don't tell anyone about this phone call or I swear to god I will slit Hazel's throat." A man's voice said. I swallowed the lump in throat and waited for instructions.


"Good. Now here is what I want from you Emma. I want you to bring Pierce the Veil to the address I will send you. Just get them here and Hazel will be safe." He stated.

"What's in it for you." I asked. I heard a laugh on the other line.

"Their lives."

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