My first battle

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     A broken suit of armor stood among the wreckage, the sight was terrifying to me and it took everything for me to not duck and hide like I normally would.

"None of you are worthy, I looked it up." The robot slurred on.

A sudden look of realization crossed Tony's face "Ultron?"

"Yeah, had to kill the other guy."

"You killed someone?" Steve exclaimed.

"Well we won't let you kill anyone else." Natasha muttered, pulling out a gun as I handed Thor his hammer.

The robot shot forward towards me and I shot a hand to the ceiling, letting the string of black silk shoot from my wrist and pulled myself up to the ceiling, landing upside down.

"What the-" Tony began before Ultron changed directions from me to him.

Ultron was hit off course by Thor's hammer as I raced across the ceiling, adrenaline pumping through me. A fight broke out as we all tried to destroy the robot, I swung from the ceiling to kick him in the back of the head before remembering he's a robot. Once my foot hit the back of his head, a jet of pain shot up my leg and I let go of the string and fell.

I closed my eyes tightly and heard another loud crash. I opened them and looked over to see the robot laying on the part of the wall he'd destroyed on the way there.

"I got no strings to hold me down..."
The robot sang in a cryptic voice.

The robot flickered out and Steve looked around. "Is everyone ok?" I nodded and tried to stand up, stumbling a little but other than that and the anxiety rising like bile in my throat, I was ok.

"What exactly are your powers?" Bruce asked me.
I was in no condition to talk so I tried signing.
"I don't know all of them." I signed.
"Uh, could we get actual words please?" Tony asked.

"They're stressed, they're not going to be able to talk until it passes, they said they don't entirely know." Clint interpreted for me.
"Why can't you talk?" Tony interrogated. I shrugged. "I think it's just their reaction to stress." Bruce observed. I nodded.

"He said he killed someone." Steve muttered, looking around. Maria, Dr. Cho, and Rhodes were all ok, and the worse I got was a large bruise now sprawling across my leg. Not the worst thing I've ever gotten. I thought to myself.

I was still unable to talk, but a sudden thought occurred to me the staff! I ran over to the stairs and turned to gesture them to follow me. Come on! I thought to myself willing them to listen to my thoughts. I knew it wouldn't work but they got the message. They started to follow me and I ran as fast as I could, my leg still hurt a lot, to the lab, and sure enough. The staff was missing.

"Oh wonderful." Tony said sarcastically. I glanced over at Thor, who turned around, walked away, and a minute later I heard a clap of thunder and saw him whiz past the window in his suit.

"How'd you know the staff was missing?" Bruce asked, turning to me suspiciously. I rolled my eyes and signed to Clint "it was a mysterious staff that happened to be in the lab when Ultron got a human form. I'd steal it, wouldn't you?"
He laughed and translated what I said.

"So we don't have the staff, my newest A.I is absolutely crazy, and now we have some kid who can't talk for an hour if someone so much as startles them the wrong way." Tony ranted.

Ouch. I don't do it on purpose, I physically can't talk for a little bit until the anxiety passes, it's not my fault.

"Give Peyton a break." Clint replied to Tony. "We just need to find out where he went."

"So who was this A.I?" Steve asked. "It was a project, I figured out the stone and realized that I could use it to make an advanced A.I."

"He also said he killed someone," Clint pointed out, "who else was in the building?"

"Nobody." I signed.

"Wait!" Tony walked over to one of the many tables and pulled out a remote, clicking a button to reveal a large orange sphere with shards of blue stuck inside and it appeared fractured. "Jarvis?" Bruce walked over to it and examined it. "This didn't look planned, it looked more like it was in a fit of rage of some sort."

I stepped back to avoid being pushed out of the way by Thor, who had come back from whatever he was doing.
"Hey- hey calm down let's talk this out, use our wor-" Tony was cut off as he was pushed against a wall. "You created the thing and now the A.I has that scepter. You're behind all this."

"You know it's funny that Ultron decided that we needed to be destroyed after spending a few minutes on the internet." I signed to Clint, who chuckled and whispered to Natasha.

I tried my voice again, and was able to speak.
"We can't keep fighting, we just need to figure out where he went." I said, stepping in between Thor and Tony. "Oh look who decided to start talking again." I glared at him and proceeded. "Do you have any way to track him?"
"Alright. There has to be some way to find him, he was in a suit of armor when we found him, so let's see if we can track where his next vessel might be." I said, voicing my thoughts.
"You are creepily intelligent for a 10 year old." Bruce remarked.

"11, and that's what happens when you have your child hood ripped away from you." I snapped back.

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